Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1


Single-Leg Hop and Land through Agility Ladder

Level: Basic

Set-up and Instructions: Set up and an agility ladder in between two cones so that the start, and end, of
the ladder is approximately 5 yards away from a cone. Have your players line up behind the cone nearer
to the start of the ladder. When ready, have the player at the front run to and complete the ladder by
hopping from one square to the next on one leg (Figure 3.4a). On every landing, they must hold a balance
position for 3 seconds before hopping to the next square.

Figure 3.4a Figure 3.4b

As soon as they complete the ladder, they must accelerate towards the second cone where they will return
a pass played to them by the coach with one-touch (Figure 3.4b). The player should land on the same leg
for one entire run through and then switch legs on the next repetition/run through. Have them work each
leg twice

Coaching Points: Ensure the player bends the knee slightly upon landing to absorb the impact.
Additionally, the player should keep the upper-body straight and sway as little as possible while
balancing by keeping the core muscles tight.

After completing the ladder, the players should accelerate towards the pass, ensuring they get their bodies
behind the ball. Coach the weight and accuracy of the return pass.

Variation: You can vary the exercise by switching the technical component of the exercise.

Progression: You can progress the exercise by switching to a pattern of two squares forward, one square

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