Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1


The age and experience of the athlete as well as the phase of the season will determine to a large extent,
the type of speed drills performed. The exercises presented here are mainly for adolescent and senior
youth athletes, as well as adult players. Speed training for players in the pre-puberty age group will be
discussed at the end of this chapter.

The off-season should focus mainly on improving maximum speed through proper technique as well as
building speed endurance capacity. The pre-season should focus almost entirely on starting speed and
acceleration. During this phase, the volume (number of exercises and repetitions) should be lower, but the
intensity must be high. Because the main conditioning goal during the in-season is maintenance, the type
of speed training exercise you choose will vary from week to week or cycle to cycle. However, exercises
for starting speed and acceleration should predominate, with less emphasis placed on speed endurance
and maximum speed.

Due to the high neuromuscular and coordination demands, speed drills (especially for starting speed and
acceleration) should be done early in the training session before fatigue sets in. For each session, doing 2
or 3 different exercises (1 to 2 sets each) with 6 to 8 repetitions per set should be adequate. Importantly,
the recovery periods between repetitions should be approximately 45 seconds or assign a work-to-rest
ratio of 1:5. Table 4.1 summarizes the general guidelines to be used when designing your speed training
program and practice.

TABLE 4.1 Main Guidelines for Speed Training Program Design



Segment of Practice Session
Early (after warm up but before fatiguing

Repetitions per Set
6 to 8 (1 to 2 sets total)

Work-to-Rest Ratio
1:5 (between repetitions)
(2 to 3 minutes rest between sets)

Off-season Focus
Maximum Speed & Speed Endurance

Pre-Season Focus
Starting Speed & Acceleration

In-Season Focus
Varies (mostly starting speed and acceleration)
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