Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1


Dribble and Chase

Objective: Develop starting speed and acceleration, as well as speed dribbling technique

Set-up and Instructions: Place two cones three yards apart in a straight line. Set up a small goal (1 to 2
yards wide) with flags or cones, 12 yards away from the closer cone as shown (Figure 4.3a). Divide your
players into pairs with one ball between the two. The player with the ball will start on the cone closer to
the goal and the other player will start on the cone behind them. (Set up a station for each pair or you can
have two pairs per station, with one pair recovering while the other one goes.)

Figure 4.3a Figure 4.3b

On the coach’s signal, both players start and accelerate towards the small goal. The front player must
dribble the ball at speed, but under control, through the small goal while their partner attempts to catch
them up and pass them (Figure 4.3b). Whoever crosses the goal line first is the winner. Switch roles after
each attempt.

Coaching Points: The player without the ball must have a good ready position (low center of gravity,
good posture). The first step must be in the intended direction and they must take short, powerful steps
with appropriate posture (positive body angles) when accelerating. The player dribbling must use the
instep (laces) and upon contact with the ball the toes must be pointing down. The first touch should be
slightly bigger than the rest and in the intended direction.

Variation: Vary this exercise by using different starting positions (lying on stomach, lying on back,
facing away from goal) for the player without the ball.

Progression: Allow the back player to tackle (NO slide tackles allowed)

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