Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Zigzag Shuffle with Receiving*

Objective: Develop basic footwork and coordination, as well as introduce cutting technique

Set-up and Directions: Set up a row of seven small cones 1.5 yards apart and offset by 1.5 yards. Place a
larger cone 5 to 7 yards before the first small cone and have a small group of players stand behind this
cone. The coach should stand approximately 10 yards from the last cone in the row (Figure 5.7a).

Figure 5.7b Figure 5.7c

When ready, the player at the front of the line will jog to the right of the first small cone, perform a cut,
and then side shuffle (diagonally to the left) to the second cone. At this cone they will perform another
cut, and then side shuttle (diagonally to the right) until they have reached the third cone. Have them
continue this pattern until they reach the last small cone. At this point, they will accelerate towards the
coach where they will receive a pass to feet and return with one or two touches (Figure 5.7b).

Coaching Points: Ensure the player maintains good posture and a relatively low centre of gravity. The
feet should not cross in front of each other. Emphasize good cutting technique (see earlier section), and
see that the player uses their arms to help balance.

Make certain the player accelerates towards, and gets their body behind the pass. Coach the weight and
accuracy of the pass and if passing with one touch, ensure the player leans over the ball on contact.

Variation: You can vary the type of pass (bounce, lobbed) to the player in order to develop receiving with
various body parts.

Progression: Have the player start the exercise slowly, and once they have mastered the footwork, have
them perform it as quickly as possible.

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