Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Short Sprint and Cut, with Half-Turns and Finishing*

Objective: Develop the ability to perform 180-degree turns at high speed as well cutting technique

Set-up and Directions: Set up a 30 by 20 yard playing area. Place a regulation-sized goal (with a
goalkeeper) in the middle of the end-line at the bottom of the area. The coach will stand in the middle of
the end-line marking the top of the playing area. Place a large cone on one side-line so that it is 10 yards
from the top of the playing area. Have your players stand behind this line facing the goal. Place a second
large cone 5 yards in field and 5 yards down from the first cone (Figure 5.14a).

Figure 5.14a

When ready, have the player at the front of the line sprint towards the second cone, cut, and then sprint
towards the coach who will then play a pass into their feet. Instruct the player to perform a 180-degree as
they receive the ball so that they are facing the goal with their first touch (Figure 5.15c). After making
their turn, direct them to then shoot on net with their second on third touches.

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