MacLife - USA (2019-09)

(Antfer) #1
WE’RE LIVING IN an age where
communication is dominated
by social networks, along with
a revitalization of instant
messaging (what with the Slacks of this
world). But email still remains a vital
communications tool for many. On iPad
and iPhone alike, there are plenty of email
apps you can download from the App
Store, but chances are you’ll stick with
Apple’s Mail.
A regular criticism we hear about Mail
for iOS is that it’s, well, not very good. But
that’s often the opinion of people who’ve
given it a cursory glance, and not delved
This walkthrough is designed not so
much as a primer — if you’re reading, you
likely have your account set up already
and are happily sending emails. Instead,
interesting features you might not know
about, features that will make your
experience with Apple’s email client more
productive and usable. CRAIG GRANNELL

Get to grips with Apple Mail

Master Apple’s email client on your iPad or iPhone

An iOS 12 device (some
tips work with earlier

Hints and tips to easily
manage your email

15 minutes

HOW TO Get more from Apple Mail

Use special mailboxes
At the list of all your mailboxes,
tap Edit. You can now manage which
mailboxes will be visible, including several
contextual ones — which are handy for
quickly getting at recent or unread email,
and messages with attachments.

Filter a mailbox
When browsing a mailbox, tap the
filter button (bottom left). By default, this
will filter the current mailbox to show
unread emails. But tap the description
(“Unread” at first) and you can adjust the
criteria — say, to add flagged messages.

Search by term
At the top of each mailbox pane is
a search field — pull down if you don’t see
it. As you search, Mail displays matching
messages, but also links to people and
subjects — a fast way to get to deeply
buried messages!


90 SEP 2019 All images rights: Apple.

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