
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Yummy### ideasPHOTOGRAPHY:MICHAEL ANGELO CHUA.RECIPE AND STYLING:``````CHINO L. CRUZ.``````http://www.yummy.ph December 201611``````You won’t believe how easy it is tomake this impressive layered dessert.All you need is a stove, a fridge,and a little bit of patience.Noordinarytrifle Whisk together yolks from12 large eggs, ŽŠ³ cup sugar,•Š³ cup cornstarch, and½ teaspoon salt in a mediumLœÜÕ˜Ìˆ«>i>˜`yÕvvÞÆÃiÌaside. Simmer 4 cups milk in alarge saucepan over mediumheat. Turn off heat and pour milkinto egg mixture while whiskingcontinuously. Pour egg mixtureback to the pan, and cook overmedium heat until thick. Pourcustard into a bowl, place plasticwrap directly on the surface, andchill. Prepare 3 (90-gram) packsUVTCYDGTT[ƃCXQTGFgulamanaccording to package directions.*œÕÀˆ˜Ìœ>Vi>ÀÌÀˆyiœÀÃiÀۈ˜}LœÜÆV…ˆvœÀ£ÌœÓ…œÕÀÜÀ՘̈jelly is set. Arrange 4 packs store-bought butter cake (quartered,we used Goldilocks) on top ofprepared jelly. Gently brush•Š³EWRTWOQTQTCPIGƃCXQTGFliqueur on top of cake layer. Pourchilled custard over the cake. Topwith 1 (453-gram) can cherryQTUVTCYDGTT[RKGƂNNKPI. Topwith YJKRRGFETGCO, if desired.Serves 8 to 10.No-bake Berry Blast Trifle

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