Interweave Crochet - USA (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

Rib patt in rows (multiple of 2 sts + 1)
Row 1: Ch 3 (counts as dc throughout),
FPdc around next dc, BPdc around next
dc; rep from
across, turn. Row 2: Ch 3,
BPdc around next FPdc, FPdc around next
BPdc; rep from
across, turn. Row 3: Ch 3,
FPdc around next BPdc, BPdc around next
FPdc; rep from
across, turn. Rep Rows
2–3 for patt.

Rib patt in rnds (multiple of 2 sts)
Rnd 1: Ch 3 (counts as dc throughout),
[FPdc around next dc, BPdc around next
dc] across, sl st in top of beg ch-3 to join,
turn. Rnd 2: Ch 3, [FPdc around next FPdc,
BPdc around next BPdc] across, sl st in
top of beg ch 3 to join, turn. Rep Rnd 2
for patt.

Ch 78 (86, 94, 102, 110). Row 1: Work Row
1 of net patt (see Stitch Guide)—9 (10, 11,
12, 13) ch-1 sps, 18 (20, 22, 24, 26) ch-3
sps. Rows 2–45 (47, 49, 51, 53): Work
Rows 2–3 of net patt 22 (23, 24, 25, 26)
times. Fasten off. Place marker (pm) in
both ends of 27th (28th, 29th, 30th, 31st)
row from beg of back.

Back hem
Row 1: With RS facing, working in rem lps
on opposite side of beg ch of back, sl st in
last st of back to join, ch 3 (counts as dc),
work 46 (50, 56, 60, 66) dc evenly spaced
across beg ch, ending with last dc in last
ch of beg ch, turn—47 (51, 57, 61, 67) dc.
Row 2: Work Row 1 of rib patt in rows (see
Stitch Guide) across, turn. Rows 3–4: Work

Rows 2–3 of rib patt in rows once. Fasten
off at end of last row.

Work as for back through Row 42 (44, 46,
48, 50), ending with Row 2 of net patt. Pm
in both ends of 27th (28th, 29th, 30th,
31st) row from beg of front.

Divide for upper fronts
Sizes 40½ (54)" only:
Row 1: Work Row 3 of net patt until
4 (5) dc worked, turn, leaving rem sts
unworked—3 (4) ch-1 sps, 6 (8) ch-3 sps.
Rows 2–3: Work Rows 2–3 of net patt.
Fasten off.

Sizes 45 (49½ , 58½ )" only:
Row 1: Work Row 3 of net patt until 4 (4,
5) dc worked, ch 3, sc in next dc, turn, leav-
ing rem sts unworked—3 (3, 4) ch-1 sps, 7
(7, 9) ch-3 sps. Rows 2–3: Work Rows 2–3
of net patt. Fasten off.

Sizes 40½ (54)" only:
Row 1: With RS facing, sk next 2 (3) ch-1
sps on last row of front, sl st in next ch-1
sp, work Row 3 of net patt to end of row,
turn. Rows 2–3: Work Rows 2–3 of net
patt. Fasten off.

Sizes 45 (49½ , 58½ )" only:
Row 1: With RS facing, sk next 3 (4, 4)
ch-1 sps on last row of front, sc-join (see
Stitch Guide) in next dc, ch 3, dc in next
ch-1 sp, ch 3, [sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, sc in

next ch-3 sp, ch 3, dc in next ch-1 sp, ch 3]
across to last dc, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 1,
sc in beg ch-5 sp, ch 3, dc in 2nd ch of beg
ch 5, turn. Rows 2–3: Work Rows 2–3 of
net patt. Fasten off.

Front hem
Work as for back hem.

Sew shoulder seams.

Row 1: With RS facing, join yarn at m on
back, working in row-ends, work 59 (63,
65, 69, 71) dc evenly spaced along sweater
edge to m on front. Row 2: Work Row 1 of
rib patt in rows across to last 3 sts, dec rib
(see Stitch Guide), dc in last st, turn—1 st
dec’d. Rows 3–26 (30, 32, 36, 38): Work
Row 2 of rib patt in rows across to last
3 sts, dec rib, dc in last st, turn—34 sts at
end of last row.

Work as for right sleeve, joining yarn at m
on front.

Rnd 1: With RS facing, sl st in central st of
neck opening of back to join, ch 3, 47 (47,
63, 63, 63) dc evenly spaced around neck
opening, sl st in first st to join—48 (48, 64,
64, 64) dc. Rnd 2: Work Rnd 1 of rib patt in
rnds (see Stitch Guide). Rnds 3–14: Work
Rnd 2 of rib patt in rnds. Fasten off at end
of last rnd.

Sew side and sleeve seams. Weave in ends,
gently block seams. 

NTmaglia is an Italian crochet designer
working on beautiful Lake Como, where she
finds serenity and inspiration. She loves
oversized clothing and roomy tote bags. Her
colorful designs combine traditional stitches
with unusual yarns and fanciful embroidery

Reduced net patt

< 1

< 3

rep 2 >





Stitch key
= chain (ch)
= single crochet (sc)

= double crochet (dc)

= patt rep







front & back



A: 20¼ (22½ , 24¾ , 27, 29¼ )"
B: 13½ (14, 14½ , 15, 15½ )"
C: 9 (9½ , 10, 10½ , 11)"
D: 1½ " E: 6¾ (7¾ , 7¾ , 9, 10)"
F: 6¾ (6¾ , 9, 9, 9)"
G: 10½ (12, 12¾ , 14½ , 15¼ )"
H: 5¼ "

Interweave Crochet • 33


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