Goddesses in Everywoman

(avery) #1

Downing, Christine. “Coming to Terms with Hera,” Quadrant 12, no. 2 (Winter
Kerènyi, C. “Zeus and Hera” and “Hera, Ares and Hephaistos.” In The Gods of the
Greeks. Translated by Norman Cameron. New York: Thames & Hudson, 1979,
pp. 95–98, 150–160. (Originally published 1951).
Kerènyi, C. Zeus and Hera: Archetypal Image of Father, Husband and Wife. Translated
by Christopher Holme. Bollingen Series 65. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Press, 1975.
Kerènyi, Karl. “The Murderess—Medea.” In Goddesses of Sun and Moon. Irving,
Texas: Spring, 1979, pp. 20–40.
Mayerson, Philip. “Hera (Juno).” In Classical Mythology in Literature, Art, and Music.
New York: Wiley, 1971, pp. 94–98.
Mayerson, Philip. “Medea.” In Classical Mythology in Literature, Art, and Music. New
York: Wiley, 1971, pp. 346–352.
Stein, Murray. “Hera: Bound and Unbound.” Spring (1977), pp. 105–119. This article
was my most important source for the archetype of Hera. Stein’s article associates
the mating instinct with Hera, and describes her three phases.
Zabriskie, Philip. “Goddesses in Our Midst,” Quadrant (Fall 1974), pp. 37–39.

  1. Murray Stein, “Hera: Bound and Unbound.” Spring (1977), p. 108.

  2. Nancy Reagan, Quest (1982). Similar sentiments by Nancy Reagan in Nancy, with
    Bill Libby (New York: Berkley, 1981).

  3. Diana Trilling, Mrs. Harris: The Death of the Scarsdale Diet Doctor (New York:
    Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981).


Demetrakopoulos, Stephanie. “Life Stage Theory, Gerontological Research, and the
Mythology of the Older Woman: Independence, Autonomy, and Strength.” Anima
8, no. 2 (Spring Equinox 1982): 84–97.
Friedrich, Paul. “The Fifth Queen: The Meaning of Demeter” and “The Homeric
Hymn to Demeter.” In The Meaning of Aphrodite, Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1978, pp. 149–180.
“The Hymn to Demeter.” In The Homeric Hymns, translated by Charles Boer. 2nd
ed., rev. Irving, Texas: Spring, 1979, pp. 89–135.
Jung, C. G. “Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype” (1954). CW, vol. 9,
part 1 (1968), pp. 75–110.
Kerènyi, C. Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter. Translated by Ralph
Manheim. New York: Schocken Books, published by arrangement with Princeton
University Press, 1977. Previously printed in the Bollingen Series (1967).

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