
(Michael S) #1

(B) Read the passage and correct the errors, wherever
(a) Epihydrophily occurs below the surface of water,
while hypohydrophily occurs over the surface of
(b) Pollen tube travels chemotropically along the
concentration gradient of potassium - nitrogen -
thiamine complex.
Assertion & reason

In each of the following questions, a statement of
Assertion (A) is given and a corresponding statement
of Reason (R) is given just below it. Of the statements,
mark the correct answer as :
(a) if both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
of A

(b) if both A and R are true but R is not the correct
explanation of A

(c) if A is true but R is false

(d) if both A and R are false.

  1. Assertion : A typical dicotyledonous embryo consists
    of an embryonal axis and two cotyledons.

Reason : The portion of embryonal axis at the level
of cotyledons is called epicotyl, which terminates with
the plumule.

  1. Assertion: Most zygotes divide only after a certain
    amount of endosperm is formed.

Reason : This is an adaptation to provide assured
nutrition to the developing embryo.

  1. Assertion : Artificial hybridisation is one of the major
    approaches of crop improvement programme.

Reason : It is achieved by emasculation and bagging

  1. Assertion : Pollen-pistil interaction is a dynamic
    process involving pollen recognition.

Reason : It is followed by promotion or inhibition of
the pollination.

  1. Assertion : Wind pollination requires those pollen
    grains which are light and non-sticky.

Reason : The large thread-like stigmas and styles
of cob of maize hang in air to catch wind borne

  1. Assertion : Geitonogamy is the transfer of pollen
    grains from anther to the stigma of different flowers,
    of same plant.

Reason : Geitonogamy functionally resembles cross
pollination, but genetically it is similar to autogamy.

  1. Assertion : Cleistogamous flowers are invariably
    Reason : These flowers remain closed so that anthers
    and stigmas are never exposed hence, there is no
    chance of cross pollination.

  2. Assertion : Not all aquatic plants use water for
    Reason : In some aquatic plants, flowers emerge
    above the water level, hence, are pollinated by insects
    or wind, as in most land plants.

  3. Assertion : Pollen consumption has been claimed
    to increase the performance of race horses and
    Reason : Pollen grains are rich in nutrients and available
    as tablets and syrup in the Western countries.

  4. Assertion : Synergids have special cellular thickenings
    called filiform apparatus at the micropylar tip.
    Reason : The filiform apparatus plays an important
    role in guiding the pollen tubes into the synergid.
    Figure Based Questions

  5. Refer the given figures and identify A, B, C, D, E and

  6. Fill in the blanks using the letters assigned to figures
    in previous question. You may also use appropriate
    phrases, wherever required.
    (a) (i) is the most common type of ovule found in
    82% of angiosperms.
    (b) In (ii) , the (iii) is fused with the body of the
    ovule, forming a longitudinal ridge called (iv).
    (c) Nucellus and integuments lie more or less at right
    angles to the funiculus in (v).
    (d) The funicle is exceptionally long and form almost
    complete circle around the ovule in (vi).
    (e) In (vii) , micropyle, chalaza and funicle lie in one
    straight line.

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