The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


margin is thinner than that more posteriorly along
corpora. Postincisal plane quite steep; continues al-
most halfway down internal surface, where it is un-
dercut by a large genial pit. Digastric fossae very
faint, and point down and back. Mental foramen
long on each side lying under dm2. Coronoid
process very long a/p, with blunt tip subequal in
height to mandibular condyle. Condyle extends more
medially than laterally and is very slightly arced
across. Sigmoid notch long, relatively shallow, and
deepest at midpoint. Sigmoid notch crest broadens
as it veers to lateral extremity of condyle. L gonial
region broken; what is preserved of posterior margin
shows little internal detail. Mandibular foramen
large, points up and back, lacks lingula; shallow my-
lohyoid groove descends down and forward from it.
Mylohyoid line most pronounced under Mls, with
shallow submandibular fossa below.
R12 tall crowned, relatively short m/d, with little
flare at distal edge. Preserved dm2 worn; metaconid
and protoconid quite mesially placed opposite each
other, and smaller than hypoconid and especially en-
toconid behind. dm2 entoconid lies slightly distal to
hypoconid; moderate hypoconulid lies buccal to mid-
line, separated from hypoconid by small notch. R and
L Mls long m/d, ovoid in outline; occlusal surfaces
deeply, thickly wrinkled. Protoconid and metaconid
large and lie opposite one another; thick but b/l nar-
row paracristid runs between their bases mesially.
Distal extension of base of the protoconid (“deflect-
ing wrinkle”) extends across midline. Hypoconid
smaller than entoconid. Large hypoconulid straddles
midline of crown. Erupting crown of LM2 wrinkled,
probably longer than M1; seems to lack deflecting
wrinkle. Isolated C1 not very tall crowned but fairly
long m/d, with long, steep distal slope and short,
curved mesial slope. Thick lingual pillar ascends from
crown apex to low lingual swelling. Mesial mar-
gocrista thick; distal margocrista thicker and shorter;
and margocristae separated from lingual pillar by
deep grooves.


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MusCe Archeologique, 23 rue al-Brihi, Rabat Chellah, Mo-
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