The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

T u I N P LA A s ( S P KI N G B o I< FLAT s , T u I N P LA AT s ) 303

margin of zygoma concave (upward) and bounded lat-
erally by a moderate, blunt maxillary tubercle, behind
which the zygoma flares somewhat outward as it
courses posteriorly. Temporal fossa appears to have
been relatively short but deep, bounded posteriorly by
a modestly projecting posterior root and narrow shelf
originating just in front of acoustic meatus.
Occipital plane tall; minimally distinguished
from nuchal plane by faint superior nuchal line and
somewhat flat, downwardly tapering external occipi-
tal proturberance. Protuberance accentuated by in-
dentations on either side. Mastoid process large,
strongly distended downward, and only slightly dis-
tended forward. Lateral surface of mastoid process
swollen slightly along its length anteriorly, and flat-
tened posteriorly. Process bounded medially by long,
fairly deep, broad mastoid notch; posteromedial to
notch is broad, relatively deep, digastric fossa-like de-
pression. Auditory meatus relatively small, somewhat
compressed, and tilted forward. Thick vaginal process
courses behind meatus toward mastoid process and
fades out at base of process. Large carotid foramina
appear to have been artificially excavated to present
size. Articular fossae deep and bounded anteriorly by
steep wall curving onto flat surface in front. Small
postglenoid plate laterally situated.
Highly reconstructed mandible tall s/i, not wide
m/l, and relatively small. Trace of low symphyseal keel
and mental trigon, with fairly pronounced mental
fossa are preserved on the L. Internally, postincisal
plane vertical with minimal swelling inferiorly. L di-
gastric fossa long a/p and wide m/l; is set back from
front and faces downward. Hint of posteriorly placed
mylohyoid line on the R, and long mandibular fossae
on both sides. Medium-sized mental foramen lies
under P2 on both sides. Anterior root of ramus
discernible below Ml on the R; becomes most promi-
nent level with M3, swelling out bone somewhat. An-
terior margin of ramus lies well behind M3, curving
up to low, long coronoid process. Ramus indented by
tall, shallow preangular sulcus. Sigmoid notch long

and symmetrical. Mandibular condyles missing.
Mandibular foramina large, facing up and back. Dis-
tinct mylohyoid grooves run down and forward from
these foramina. Rounded gonial region lip-like exter-
nally, bearing pterygoid scars internally. Inner side of
coronoid process swollen centrally.
Lower teeth appear to have been small, as judged
from roots and alveoli. P1 and 2 single rooted. As
seen on the L, roots of M3 and may be M2 were not
separated, as on M1. As seen on the R, M3 exposed
well in front of anterior margin of ramus.


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Nature 123: 415-416.

MUS. 20: 253-271.


Transvaal Museum (Northern Flagship Institution), Box 413,
Pretoria 0001, South Africa.
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