Partial adult cranium reconstructed from dozens of
fragments, especially of braincase. Largest piece com-
prises mid- to supraorbital region, part of frontal, an-
terior cranial fossa, and part of L middle fossa. Also
lower face from R infraorbital region to L malar, lack-
ing temporal process. Palate lacks teeth and portions
of alveolar bone. Traces of alveoli for some anterior
teeth, and roots of R molars.
Thick-boned skull, without distinct diploic layer.
Short, moderately high-vaulted when held in Frank-
furt plane (with frontal crest vertical). Face large rela-
tive to cranial vault. In profile, frontal rises gently from
orbits, possibly peaking at bregma (preserved midway
back); possible postbregmatic depression and then
strong curve back down toward occipital region.
Viewed from above, medial portions of supraorbital
tori retreat strongly from swollen glabellar region; at
about midorbit, lateral portions retreat less strongly.
From behind, profile asymmetrical (pre- or post-
mortem?). On the L, coronal profile curves inward and
up from temporal bones, then turns into an expansive
swelling that lies symmetrically around region of
bregma. Seen from front, lower face broader than up-
per face. Upper face about as wide as estimated maxi-
mum cranial width, which appears to lie somewhat
above preserved superior part of L auditory meatus.
Somewhat vermiculated supraorbital surfaces very
tall s/i from glabella until mid-orbit, where they thin
somewhat and curve down laterally to flow smoothly
into frontal process of zygomatic. No break at zygo-
maticofrontal suture, which lies fairly low, about level
with nasion. Also to about mid-orbit, superior margins
of thickened supraorbital tori marked by very blunt
edge between their anterosuperiorly twisting anterior
surfaces and moderately long, shallow posttoral sulci
behind. On the L, a break in orientation of anterior
face of supraorbital margin is marked below by a
broad, shallow supraorbital notch; above notch, by a
deep groove. Slightly concave roofs of very deep orbits
turn fairly sharply up at the thin, blunt superior orbital
margins to join anterior supraorbital margins. Superior
orbital margins upwardly curved, not straight across.
Supraorbital edges run down onto broad glabellar re-
gion; are not continuous across it. Behind glabella is a
flattened plane (not sulcus). On both sides, temporal
ridge low, modestly roughened; comes up behind zy-
gomatic process of frontal, then curves strongly back-
ward (creating strongly superiorly widening zygomatic
process of frontal). Glabella strongly overhangs nasion.
Preserved L orbit large, rectangular, with only slight
distension of inferolateral corner. Well within orbit,
medial wall on both sides noticeably puf5. As seen on
L, floor of orbit also puffy, at least as far as short,
slightly laterally placed infraorbital groove that extends
about halfway along orbital floor. As seen on R, puffi-
ness of orbital floor is due to expanded maxillary sinus,
which also swells out face below frontal process and
lateral to nasal aperture. Interorbital region extremely
broad, with very wide but slightly obliquely oriented
frontal processes extending up to level of nasion. On
both sides, shallow groove runs forward from deeply
set medial aperture of superior orbital fissure and along
orbital floor in direction of inferolateral corner of orbit.
As seen on L, this groove runs into a jagged space be-
tween the zygomatic and maxillary contributions to
the orbital floor and orbitosphenoid contribution be-
hind. Infraorbital groove appears to flow down into
this space. No discernible infraorbital fissure in back of
orbit. Superior orbital fissure seen only within cranial
vault; flows medially into large opening. Just outside
inferolateral corner of orbit is a series of three long,
subparallel incisions with a few subsidiary incisions.
Another a/p incision (probably also a cut-mark) lies
just within superior margin of L orbit.
As seen on L, lacrimal fossa very long a/p and not
very tall. Fossa obliquely forward facing and delin-
eated by thickened posterior lacrimal crest behind and
a low, short, almost horizontal anterior lacrimal crest
that fades out on the face. These two crests are
broadly divergent above, but converge strongly inferi-
orly to the apparently very small lacrimal canal.
As seen on L, infraorbital foramen is moderate,
lying well below the almost crest-like medial portion
of the inferior orbital margin and lateral to position of
the infraorbital groove. Nasal bones large, smoothly
but broadly curved from side to side; they converge at
nasion and flare markedly below. As seen on L, at least
part of nasal bone came well down along nasal mar-
gin. Superior nasal margin may not be preserved;
inward curvature of L margin coincides with level of
preserved nasal bones. From the side, nasal bones
fairly projecting; they descend steeply from nasion,
curve out quite strongly midway down, then straighten
out again below. Inferiorly, nasal aperture very broad,
with broadly rounded inferolateral corners. As seen on
L, arc of inferolateral corner smoothly continues
up lateral side of aperture. On L, lateral (marginal)