crest descends slightly below inferior margin. On both
sides, inferior margin is delineated by a thickened,
somewhat posteriorly directed spinal crest. Immedi-
ately behind the spinal crest, nasal cavity floor de-
scends in a steep plane. Surface from nasal cavity onto
nasoalveolar clivus is smooth, with no crisp margin. As
partially seen on R, anterior nasal spines were separate,
low, robust, but not significantly anteriorly projecting,
with a long, horizontal superior margin. Anterior face
of nasoalveolar clivus weathered off; appears to have
been flat across, steeply inclined forward, and only
moderately long. As seen on L, thick anterior root of
zygomatic arch originates close to level of M1; as seen
from front, it gently curves laterally and upward. Face
puffy medial to infraorbital foramen. Lateral to fora-
men, infraorbital plane faces forward. As seen from the
side, vertical axis of infraorbital plane is oriented
somewhat downward and backward.
Maxillary tuberosity absent. Anterior part of
what must have been a long masseteric scar extends
obliquely forward along inferior margin of body of
zygoma and terminates anteriorly in a small rugosity.
As suggested on L, zygomatic arch ran straight back
to its posterior root, enclosing a rather small temporal
fossa that was deepest anteriorly (coincident with the
rather noticeable postorbital constriction). Enough of
alisphenoid is preserved to indicate lack of significant
break between infratemporal and temporal fossae.
More posteriorly is a suggestion of some possible
cornering from anterior squamosal suture onto alis-
phenoid. Traces of squamosal suture on L parietal
indicate that temporal had been relatively tall but not
very long, and its superior margin quite strongly
arced. L articular fossa preserved medially; it is very
shallow and extraordinarily long a/p, flowing
smoothly anteriorly with no elevation of any sort. It
was bounded steeply posteriorly by a broad post-
genoid plate that lay close to the now-missing ecto-
tympanic tube. Fossa was closed off medially by a
thin downward extension of its medial surface. As
seen on L, foramen ovale large; it lay between medial
and lateral pterygoid plates. Foramen ovale and rela-
tively large foramen spinosum posterolaterally behind
it are fully contained within sphenoid.
What is preserved externally of petrosal tapers
dramatically toward its tip, which is turned almost
directly forward. Petrosal was separated from the ba-
siocciput along its side by narrow foramen lacerum.
Carotid foramen moderately large; faced almost
directly down. External surface of basiocciput broken,
but bone was very broad (as evidenced by very broad,
shallowly excavated clivus internally). Area anterior to
sphenooccipital synchondrosis is damaged but appar-
ently not significantly distorted, and indicates that
there was a very strong slope to basiocciput anteriorly
(thus, significant basicranial flexion). Vomer appar-
ently lay well in front of sphenooccipital synchondro-
sis. On L, lateral to preserved part of vomer, bone
curves strongly but smoothly downward. Anterior to
foramen ovale (preserved on R), bone had been exten-
sively swollen out and down by what is now a matrii-
filled sinus (evidently an extension of sphenoid sinus).
Less well preserved R side shows same thing.
Palate better preserved on L; appears to have been
broad but not very long. Fairly strong anterior slope
into a relatively deep palate in region of molars. On
preserved L, lateral wall is vertical. Alveolar margin
curved smoothly all around. Large incisive foramen lies
well behind I1 region and expands outward anteriorly.
As seen on damaged R side, maxillary sinus extended
as far as region of P2, quite close to alveolar margin.
As seen through hole in very tall posterior maxillary
pole (on L), maxillary sinus extended fully over region
of M3. Greater palatine foramen preserved on L is
large and lies above (not behind) region of M3.
Traces of coronal and sagittal sutures preserved
both internally and externally. Sutures not segmented
and hardly denticulated.
Internally, surface of anterior cranial fossa has a
“bumpy” look, especially over the orbital roofs. Small,
a/p short cribriform plate, with moderately long but
anteriorly tall and blunt crista galli, lies between and
below orbital roofs. Tall, thick frontal crest runs down
to crista galli. CT scans reveal massive R and less ex-
tensive L frontal sinuses filled with matrix. Frontal
lobes do not extend fully over orbits but terminate at
region of posttoral sulci. Anterior cranial fossa slopes
inward at its sides. Jugal region very wide m/l; anteri-
orly it descends into a cavity housing the cribriform
plate. Anterior clinoid processes blunt, quite thick,
and posteriorly protruding; medial to them, optic
foramina are separated by broad, shallow chiasmatic
groove. Hypophyseal fossa is also very broad and is
quite deep but not very long a/p; it is bounded by dis-
tinct dorsum and tuberculum sellae anteriorly and
posteriorly. Low creases on either side of hypophyseal
fossa anteriorly correspond to regions of middle cli-
noid processes. Posterior clinoid processes were quite