ru'GAN1)ONG (SOLO) 455
none, depressions on either side of bregma (Ng 12);
only possible rise at bregma (Ng 13), bulge at bregma,
depressions behind (Ng 14). Frontal slightly domed
(Ng 5, Ng 6, Ng 7, Ng 12, Ng 13, Ng 14). Temporal
lines faint, fade posteriorly, with depressions behind
termini (Ng 3, Ng 6, Ng 7, Ng 11, Ng 12, Ng 13, Ng
14). Parietal notch: open (Ng 1, Ng 5, Ng 6, Ng 8
(probably), Ng 11, Ng 12, Ng 14); acute (Ng 7).
Squamosal long, low s/i (Ng 1, Ng 6, Ng 7, Ng 8, Ng
14). No anterior squamosal cornering (Ng 1, Ng 7,
Ng 12, Ng 13); blunt corner (Ng 14). No
infratemporal fossa (Ng l?, Ng 6, Ng 7, Ng 13,
Ng 14). Parietomastoid suture long, horizontal (Ng 1,
Ng 8). Posterior root of zygomatic arch, suprameatal
crest, and supramastoid crest continuous, flow upward
(Ng 1, Ng 6, Ng 12, Ng 13, Ng 14); less developed,
more horizontal (Ng 7). Mastoid process protrudes
below base of skull (Ng 1, Ng 6, Ng 7, Ng 12, Ng 13
(would have), Ng 14. Mastoid process robusticity: Ng
1 (not bulbous laterally), Ng 3 (thick), Ng 6(?), Ng 7
(massive), Ng 12 (massive, thick), Ng 13 (thick), Ng
14 (massive). Digastric notch (Ng 1, large). Mastoid
notch indistinct, groove behind region instead (Ng 1,
Ng 6, Ng 12, Ng 13, Ng 14). Waldeyer's crest present
(Ng 1, Ng 6, Ng 12, Ng 13, Ng 14). Ectotympanic
tube short (Ng 1, Ng 6, Ng 12, Ng 13, Ng 14). Vagi-
nal process peaks at region of styloid process, sepa-
rated from mastoid process (Ng l, Ng 6, Ng 7, Ng 13,
Ng 14); fades out before meatus (Ng 1, Ng 7, Ng 12);
goes to meatus (Ng 13, Ng 14). Articular fossa deep,
closed off medially (Ng 1, Ng 6, Ng 12, Ng 13, Ng
14). Occipital plane wide, low (Ng 1, Ng 5, Ng 6).
Occipital torus everted, small (Ng l), moderately de-
veloped (Ng 3)) tall s/i (Ng 6)) bulky, contained (Ng
7), thick, bulky, contained (Ng 13). Angle of nuchal
plane: approximately 45" (Ng 5, Ng 6, Ng 12); more
horizontal (Ng 1, Ng 13); steep (Ng 3). Occipital
torus defined inferiorly by undercutting of nuchal
plane (Ng 1, Ng 3, Ng 5, Ng 6, Ng 12, Ng 13, Ng
14). Superior surface of petrosal: smooth/gently
curved (Ng 6, Ng 12, Ng 13); low arcuate eminence
(Ng 7); expansive, but not salient arcuate eminence
(Ng 14); all lack subarcuate fossa. Frontal lobes not
fully over orbital cones (Ng 1, Ng 5, Ng 6, Ng 14); Ng
12 not fully, but slightly more than others. Frontal
crest long (Ng 1, Ng 6, Ng 12, Ng 14); Ng 5 long, but
not as long as others. Middle branch of middle
meningeal artery notably arborized (Ng 4, Ng 6). In-
ternal occipital protuberance low lying (Ng 1, Ng 5,
Ng 7, Ng 12, Ng 13, Ng 14). Sutures undifferentiated,
poorly interdigitated (Ng 1, Ng 3, Ng 5, Ng 6, Ng 7,
Ng 8, Ng 11, Ng 13).
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