other specimens, supramastoid bulge terminates at
parietal notch, which is quite open. Posterior root of
zygomatic arch protrudes quite strongly from lateral
wall of skull. Appears arch would not have bowed sig-
nificantly laterally. Configuration of mastoid region
much as described for Ngandong 12: mastoid process
massive, more or less triangular in cross-section, and
tapers strongly to now-missing tips on both sides,
which would have protruded very distinctly below
level of bone medial to them. Medial and very close to
mastoid process is a deep, narrow crease, bounded me-
dially by a very prominent (especially on L) paramas-
toid crest. This crest is bounded medially by another
deep, narrow crease, bordered on its own medial side
by a prominent (especially on L) occipitomastoid
crest. Occipitomastoid crest terminates anteriorly as a
wall of bone that faces deep pocket in skull base lying
just behind jugular foramen. Very low Waldeyer’s
crests lie more medial to occipitomastoid crests.
Nuchal plane strongly undercuts the downwardly
distended occipital torus. Inferior margin of torus well
defined by superior nuchal line. Torus confined to me-
dial part of occiput; thickens markedly toward
midline, where it descends in a peak from which an
unusually modest external occipital crest runs toward
foramen magnum without reaching it.
Foramen magnum long, narrow, and ovoid; ap-
pears to retain an ontogenetic separation between
contributions from basiocciput and lateral parts of
occipital. Posterior rim of foramen slightly thickened
laterally. Basioccipital contribution to foramen is
thin-boned. Lateral to foraminal margin on each side
is a depression. Undeterminable whether depressions
represent region where condyles had originally been,
or whether condyles in this specimen were confined to
the far posterior border of foramen magnum (but see
Ngandong 5, which also makes the depressions look
like probable artifacts). Basiocciput itself very broad,
thin-boned; external surface is relatively flat in its
central part. Although completely fused, sphenooc-
cipital synchondrosis seems to have been very far for-
ward, making basiocciput very long. Base of vomer
broad and long; lies well in front of sphenooccipital
synchondrosis. Foramina lacera long a/p but relatively
narrow m/l from side to side. Superior roots of ptery-
goid plates extend laterally beyond margins of
basisphenoid. Foramen ovale on the R very large;
subdivided on L. On both sides, a relatively large
foramen spinosum lies posterolateral to foramen
ovale, contained fully within sphenoid. Sphenoid body
broad and occupied by two very large sinuses. Petro-
sals angle strongly anteromedidly and taper to their
ends. Carotid foramina large (especially on R) and
point down and back; they are partially covered medi-
ally by the low, thick vaginal process as it runs down
from region of styloid process onto body of petrosal,
where it fades out just anterior to foramen. Jugular
foramen on the R is much larger than L; both point
straight down.
Internally, frontal crest is long and quite low. Lat-
erally, frontal lobes do not project far forward along
orbital cones. In midline, frontal lobes have narrow
anterior projection. Tuberculum sellae rises modestly
above floor of hypophyseal fossa. Very small, low in-
ternal occipital protuberance lies midway up occipital
plane. R transverse sinus more pronounced than L;
both separate very deep and large cerebellar depres-
sions from shallower, smaller occipital lobe depres-
sions. Sigmoid sinus on the R deep; it runs across roof
of fossa behind jugular foramen as it goes to the lat-
ter’s medial side.
Morphological Overview
Configurations are given for specimens where the rel-
evant region is preserved. Cranial vault bone thickness
is quite variable, from thin to extremely thick. Skull
length, Ng 1 moderate, Ng 6 very long, Ng 7 shorter,
Ng 14 longer, narrower. From rear, hardly tented, faint
midline peak (Ng 1, Ng 5); rounded sides, midline
peak (Ng 7); “en bombe” (Ng 3, Ng 6, Ng 12. From
above, skull broad at back, anteriorly tapering (Ng 1,
Ng 5, Ng 7, Ng 12). Postorbital constriction: shallow
(Ng 6, Ng 12, Ng 14); modest (Ng 1); moderately
deep (Ng 7). Supraorbital tori confluent across
glabella, fairly straight, and thicker laterally than me-
dially (Ng 1, Ng 5, Ng 12, Ng 13, Ng 14); in Ng 1 the
tori are relatively thinner than others, and in Ng 6
they project laterally more than others. In these speci-
mens, essentially no posttoral sulcus. Glabella projects
slightly and is slightly concave when viewed from
above (Ng 1, Ng 5, Ng 6, Ng 7, Ng 12, Ng 13, Ng
14); in the juvenile Ng 2, glabella projects strongly.
Interorbital region broad in Ng 1, Ng 2, Ng 5, Ng 6,
Ng 12, Ng 13, and Ng 14, but is only moderately so in
Ng 7. Frontal sinus expansion is somewhat restricted
(Ng 1, Ng 5, Ng 6, Ng 12, Ng 13, Ng 14). Frontal rise
to bregma: gentle (Ng 1, Ng 5, Ng 13); steep (Ng 6,
Ng 7, Ng 12). Evidence of keeling: faint, basically
around bregma (Ng 1, Ng 3, Ng 5); trace on frontal,
along coronal suture, hint behind bregma (Ng 7);