sutures are visible, indicating that squamosals them-
selves were relatively long and not very tall. On both
sides, squamous suture was straight posteriorly, running
down and back from its peak. Posteriorly, squamous su-
ture runs vertically down into fairly open parietal notch.
Notch lies level with most superior point of auditory
meatus. Anteriorly, only slight anterior squamosal bulge
(not corner); thus squamosal flows smoothly into al-
isphenoid. Temporal fossa confined between squamosal
and posterior part of supraorbital torus; would not have
been very long. Posterior root of zygomatic arch proba-
bly did not protrude markedly laterally. Suprameatal
crest well-developed, somewhat ridge-like; runs
obliquely up and back from posterior root and becomes
continuous with a thicker, blunter supramastoid crest
that posteriorly curves quite strongly upward. On both
sides, supramastoid crest separated by moderate sulcus
from laterally swollen mastoid processes. Both processes
broken but taper medially; would probably have been
oriented a little forward. Even though damaged, mas-
toid processes still project below nuchal plane. As seen
on the L, mastoid notch long, narrow, anteromedially
oriented, with no distinct termination posteriorly. Notch
bounded medially by a fairly well-developed paramas-
toid crest, which does not protrude quite as far as does
the region of occipitomastoid suture medial to it. Re-
gion of occipitomastoid suture is slightly raised in a crest
and delineated medially by a shallow depression. Impos-
sible to determine whether this crest follows course of
occipitomastoid suture. Still farther medially (where
base is broken off) is a hint of swelling for downwardly
facing L cerebellar lobe. Bulk of what remains of occipi-
tal plane is relatively smooth and flat; in midline is a
low, broad swelling representing external occipital crest.
Occipital torus crisply defined from below by superior
nuchal line, which originates above and posterior to de-
pression medial to occipitomastoid suture. Torus be-
comes more pronounced as it arcs up and then down
again to a downwardly pointing peak in midline, where
superior nuchal line projects as distinct shelf. Above this
shelf, just in area of midline, bone swells smoothly to
form upper surface of occipital torus.
Articular fossa better preserved on the L. Fossa
fairly broad and shallow; runs directly forward into
horizontal inferior surface of posterior root of zygo-
matic arch. Fossa bounded medially by a small tuber-
cle. Ectotympanic tube did not extend fully laterally.
Auditory meatus quite small and ovoid. On the L,
part of vaginal process is preserved; parallels long axis
of ectotympanic tube, lying just posterior to tube’s
midline. Vaginal process appeus to have peaked me-
dially, fading out well before reaching lateral margin
of tube. Vaginal process therefore anterior to (did not
contact) mastoid process. On the L, small depression
could represent stylomastoid foramen; lies lateral to
peak of vaginal process and medial to mastoid process,
in the space between these two structures.
Internally, there seems to be a thin but very pro-
jecting frontal crest that was probably quite extensive
superiorly. Frontal lobes extended only about halfway
forward along orbital cones. Internal occipital protuber-
ance broad and low; lies quite far down toward cranial
base, well below level of external torus. Otherwise, in-
ternal detail is obscured.
Sambungmacan 3 (Poloyo)
Adult calotte, missing much of basicranium. Moder-
ately long vault with fairly low profile. In rear view,
calotte very wide and not very high. Bone of vault
quite (but not excessively) thick. From above, sides
bulge out behind a modest postorbital constriction,
with a fairly round outline. In lateral profile, relatively
steep frontal rise flattens out posteriorly to reach
highest point above level of auditory meatus. From
here, profile descends gently to lambda, where it be-
comes steeper to region of inion. Below this, the long
nuchal plane is tilted down and forward.
Supraorbital tori moderately tall s/i; became taller
laterally. As seen on the L, a very wide, shallow supra-
orbital notch indents the inferior border of superior
orbital margin medially; notch not visible from above.
Notch flows medially into shallow depression low
down on anterior surface of “torus.” Orbital roofs quite
concave; slope down anteriorly to curve quite strongly
and smoothly back and up onto tori. Most of glabellar
region broken of6 appears interorbital region was quite
broad. Looking down, region of glabella shallowly in-
dented relative to tori, which curve very slightly back-
ward. No evidence of any sinus development around
glabella. Medially, tori flow smoothly up into gently
rising, domed frontal. More laterally along tori supra-
toral sulci develop. At sides of thickened lateral ex-
tremities of tori, roughened temporal lines arc back
strongly to run posteriorly and slightly upward; lines
fade out above regions of mastoids. In midsection of
frontal is a slight midline rise (but not a distinct keel).
Parietals fairly short a/p and quite wide m/l. In rear
profile, parietals slope down gradually from midline,
then curve gently down into slightly outward-sloping
side walls. On each parietal, close to coronal suture and