The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


Sungirun 22~. Occipital fragments (one with a bit
of parietal attached, showing lambdoid suture was
low), badly weathered, suggestion of a rounded
occipital torus (S19a).

Sungirun 26. L temporal, damaged, with a bit of
parietal attached. Another parietal fragment in same
box but not associated. Squamosal suture low,
horizontal; parietal notch shallow (S2 et al.). Seen
from behind, squamosal vertical with parietal above it
angled strongly inward (thus skull was not high) (S2 et
al.). Articular fossa very wide m/l, long a/p, and deep,
with U-shaped cross-section. Closed off medially, but
not by prominent tubercle, and no dis-tinct articular
eminence (S2, S4). Ectotympanic tube thick-walled,
ovoid (S2), and anteriorly tilted; was apparently not
fully ossified laterally. Supramastoid crest low,
separated by sulcus from a prominent, downwardly
turning crest that apparently ran along the entire
lateral hce of mastoid process. Vaginal process appears
to have extended along body of petrosal as a low crest;
did not continue laterally; lies far medial to (did not
contact) mastoid process. Foramen spinosum was
large, and lay between temporal and petrosal (not
within sphenoid, cf S4). Large portion of foramen
ovale intrudes into temporal bone just in front of
articular fossa (thus not in sphenoid, in contrast with
S4). Subarcuate fossa moderate in size and still patent
(contrast with S2 S4). Sigmoid sinus large; lies entirely
in temporal; strongly undercuts posterior end of
petrosal and appears to bifurcate a bit more anteriorly
under petrosal, sending a shorter sulcus superiorly
(S2, S4, S17).
Sungirun 27. Hugely crushed and fractured cra-
nium in four parts, with R and LP2-M2, RP1, and
LM3. All worn, chipped, and damaged to some
extent. Upper part strongly sheared backward.
L zygoma appears to have been relatively deep,
with broad outward curve in m/l plane; s/i it may have
angled outward slightly. Inferolateral corner of L orbit
preserved; not very sharply angled. Inferior margin of
L zygoma was apparently quite thick and not muscle
scarred. Appears that zygomatic arch had considerable
flare laterally (like S17). Behind zygoma, temporal
fossa was relatively broad anteriorly. L supraorbital re-
gion bears an only moderately s/i tall torus that is
thickest where temporal line emerges from behind it.
General shape is of blunt edge emanating from orbital
roof, with a strong curve up and back (thus low slope
on upper surface). Appears that initial rise of frontal

was not very steep. Medial to region of temporal line
supraorbital torus appears to have been uniformly
thick. Torus preserved to a point medial to its mid-
point; bone of torus very massive with no sign of any
frontal sinus. Break reveals frontal lobes only reached
part way forward over orbital cones.
R mastoid less crushed than L. Both very stout;
externally, in profile, have downward and inward
curve. Viewed from below, long axis of lower part of
mastoid process strongly angled anteromedially; tip
points more or less straight down. As seen on the L,
mastoid notch quite deep and broad m/l. Petrosal (ex-
posed on R) lacks arcuate eminence; superior surface
is flat. From R (broken at superior part of mastoid
process), it appears bone of region was very thick, per-
vaded by a few air cells. Posterior root of zygomatic
arch discernible on the R articular eminence very
stout, wedge shaped, and downwardly pointing. Palate
crushed and sides displaced. From the R, appears that
wall of palate was fairly steep and tall.
RP1 very fractured; had strongly sloping lingual
surface and apparently straighter buccal surface. Low
paracone apparently lay opposite taller protocone; axis
between these two cusps was mesial to midline of
tooth. Anterior fovea probably moderate in size and
posterior fovea very large. Crown was probably longer
m/d lingually than buccally. Both P2s quite broken;
were narrower m/d and probably wider b/l than P1,
and were also longer lingually and buccally. P2 para-
cone lay quite low relative to protocone; both cusps
apparently lay in midline of crown and are separated
from each other by a short, narrow sulcus.
All molars broken to some extent and worn. In all,
paracone protrudes buccally beyond level of shorter
metacone, and is shifted distally so lingual side of tooth
is shorter m/d than buccal side. Protocone only moder-
ately large, and on Ml and M2 is smaller than
hypocone lying directly behind. All molars have fairly
stout, short postprotocristae that run to base of meta-
cone, and a thick postcingulum that arcs around to
metacone (thus distal sides tend to be rounded). Espe-
cially Ml and 2 were probably roughly subequal in size.

Sungirun 31 (“Meganthropus-2” of Sartono). Vertically
very crushed massive parietals and occipital. Both
external and internal surfaces extremely weathered.
Bone extremely thick, becoming thicker laterally and
inferiorly (specimen remarkably light, however). Part of
midline appears relatively un-distorted; bears two raised
parallel lines that could be nonmeeting temporal ridges
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