The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


seems to have been quite well closed off medially, but
region where medial articular (entoglenoid) tubercle
might have been is not preserved in II/1 (IIM and I/E
preserve modest, flat medial articular tubercles).
Also in IUL, a very steep, low crest proceeds anteri-
orly from below supramastoid crest along mastoid
process; as seen on the L, process is very minimally dis-
tended downward. Tip of mastoid process is oriented in-
ward, its posterior and lateral aspects quite flattened. On
both sides, mastoid notch is very broad, and moderately
deep on the L. Bilaterally, a low crest runs down center
of notch and continues posteriorly as lateral border of di-
gastric fossa. As better seen on the L, medial border of
fossa thickened into a crest almost as tall as mastoid
process. (Unclear from specimen whether crest lay lateral
to occipitomastoid suture or was coincident with it as in
UE.) Digastric fossa not closed off posteriorly.
Occipital was moderately wide. As hinted on the
R, lambdoid suture runs straight up from asterion to
arc across lambda. Also on the R, Mendosal fissure is
preserved. Slightly bulging occipital plane is relatively
short s/i. Occipital plane delineated inferiorly by m/l
wide, shallow, horizontal sulcus. Below sulcus lies a
smooth bulge not delineated inferiorly as a torus.
Bulge flows smoothly into the steeply sloping nuchal
plane; in preserved parts, nuchal plane is not heavily
muscle marked. Two low petalia suggest cerebellar
lobes were posteriorly facing. Part of posterior rim of
foramen magnum is preserved and quite posteriorly
placed, its margin lying behind biasterionic plane.
All specimens are thus generally similar, but differ
from II/L in this region as follows: mastoid notch
variable in length, depth, and shape; mastoid process
varies greatly in size. In I/L, styloid process was ap-
parently very large and laterally placed. Only III/L
displays a discernible inferior border to the variably
protrusive horizontal occipital bulge; seen from be-
hind, inferior border of III/L is slightly bow shaped.
In WL, cranial sutures were apparently quite
distinct, deeply and roundedly interdigitated, but
not segmented. In other casts, sutures are less visi-
ble. In disarticulated specimen IWL, cranial bone
appears extremely thick.
Internally, in WL, anterior and middle branches of
middle meningeal artery are quite wide, well impressed
in bone; middle branch runs up from region above ar-
ticular fossa. Impressions for occipital lobes are quite
large (larger than those for cerebellar lobes); asymme-
tries are not marked. Internal occipital protuberance lies
quite low. Faint R transverse sinus more pronounced

than L. On both sides a single sigmoid sinus runs be-
hind petrosal; lies low down on petromastoid region.
Superior surfaces of petrosals are slightly raised above
superior semicircular canal. Superior petrosal sinuses
faintly impressed. Patent sub-subarcuate fossa evident
on the L and even more so on the R. In III/L and
WE, superior petrosal surface is almost flat, and region
of sub-subarcuate fossa is creased (does not extend into
sigmoid sinus). In IWE, superior petrosal sinus is par-
ticularly well developed; L transverse sinus almost as
pronounced as R (invariably the more pronounced in
this sample). In IWL, frontal lobes extend far forward
over orbital cones, as far as rise of frontal dome.
Three maxillary fragments complement calvaria
(C/PA 327, 01, and LII). In 01, lateral crest is crisp;
runs around inferolateral margin of nasal aperture, fad-
ing out before reaching midline. L conchal crest pre-
served in C/PA 327 originates close to anterior margin
and lies low on wall of nasal cavity; is rugose and
slopes back and up. In C/PA 327 and 01, nasal cavity
floor flows smoothly back from lateral crest, with no
“step.” In 01, it seems that incisive fossae would have
been quite forwardly placed in nasal cavity. In C/PA
327 and 01, maxillary sinus extends far forward, to
lateral side of nasal region. In LII, maxillary sinus
probably did not extend that far forward. In LII and
01, sinus extends laterally into zygoma and region
above molars. LII and 01 have distinct malar notch,
with part of tubercle preserved lateral to it. In all three
specimens, anterior root of zygomatic arch takes origin
not far above region of M1/2. In 01, inferior portion
of anterior part of zygomatic arch faces quite for-
wardly, and in profile is flat and vertical. In 01, a shal-
low vertical sulcus runs down from preserved inferior
margin of what was a large infraorbital foramen situ-
ated close to nasal aperture (probably also lay low
down on face). In 01 and C/PA 327, anterior part of
palate is somewhat sloping. In all three specimens, side
walls of palate appear vertical; palate itself is relatively
deep. 01 preserves part of what had been a very large
incisive foramen. Foramen is high up on palate well
behind region of 11; was apparently long.
C/PA 99 is a fragment of R palate, with floor of
nasal cavity. Anterior and lateral walls of palate are
sloping. Maxillary sinus apparently did not extend far
forward. Palate itself quite thin.
Specimen III/L preserves superior parts of nasal
bones. Frontonasal suture appears to run straight
across, at higher level than frontomaxillary suture. Na-
sal bones gently arcuate from side to side; in profile,
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