very gently outwardly curving. Superiorly, nasals quite
broad; were contacted laterally by wide maxillary
frontal processes.
Maxillae and Upper Teeth. Three maxillae, two
definitively from Lower Cave, one from upper
boundary. All L side; all teeth very worn. Specimen L2
(= L11, PA 115, Sinanthropus 111) has broken P1 plus
P2-M3 and part of inferior zygomatic region. 01
(= 169.25, Facial Fragment V) has Pl-M2; 12 and
M3 have been plausibly included in the reconstruction.
Also has part of inferior nasal region and moderate
part of zygomatic region. PA.327 (= C/PA 327)
includes alveoli for I2-P2, plus Ml-M3; has lateral
part of inferior nasal region. In 01, lateral crest is crisp;
runs around inferolateral margin of nasal aperture,
fading out before reaching midline. L conchal crest
preserved in C/PA 327 originates close to anterior
margin and lies low on wall of nasal cavity; is rugose
and slopes back and up. In C/PA 327 and 01, nasal
cavity floor flows smoothly back from lateral crest,
with no “step.” In 01, it seems incisive fossae would
have been quite forwardly placed in nasal cavity. In
C/PA 327 and 01, maxillary sinus extends far forward
to lateral side of nasal region. In LII, maxillary sinus
probably did not extend that far forward. In LII and
01, sinus extends laterally into zygoma and region
above molars. LII and 01 have distinct malar notch,
with part of tubercle preserved lateral to it. In all three
specimens, anterior root of zygomatic arch takes origin
not far above region of M1 and M2. In 01, inferior
portion of anterior part of zygomatic arch faces quite
forwardly; in profile it is flat and vertical. In 01, a
shallow vertical sulcus runs down from preserved
inferior margin of what was a large infraorbital
foramen situated close to nasal aperture (probably also
lay low down on face). In 01 and C/PA 327, anterior
part of palate is somewhat sloping. In all three
specimens, side walls of palate appear vertical; palate
itself is relatively deep. 01 preserves part of what had
been a very large and long incisive foramen, high up
on palate well behind region of 11. In all maxillae,
dental arcades were moderately short, tightly curved at
front, widening a bit posteriorly. I2 root appears to
have been quite short, tapering b/l. C root and two
roots of P1 were probably long, stout. P2 probably
single rooted. P1 was overall slightly larger than P2,
and longer m/d along buccal side. Lingual side of P2
appears to have been longer m/d than buccal side.
Both premolars fairly narrow m/d compared to b/l
width; slightly narrower b/l than Mls. M1 and M2
variably subequal in size. In 01 and LII, M3 quite
small, in PA.327 M3 slightly larger than M2. All three
molars have well-developed hypocone regions; at least
in M2 and M3, metacone noticeably smaller than para-
cone. M1-3 have quite splayed buccal roots; on M3s,
lingual roots also visibly separate. A fourth specimen,
C/PA 99, is a fragment of R palate, with floor of nasal
cavity. Anterior and lateral walls of palate are sloping.
Maxillary sinus apparently did not extend far forward.
Palate itself quite thin. Another specimen, IWL, pre-
serves superior parts of nasal bones. Frontonasal suture
appears to run straight across, at a higher level than
frontomaxillary suture. Nasal bones gently arcuate from
side to side; in profile, very gently outwardly curving.
Superiorly, nasals quite broad; were contacted laterally
by wide maxillary frontal processes.
Mandibles and Lower Teeth. G1.6 is a partial L corpus
with broken ramus. Much of symphyseal region is not
preserved, but it has Il-M3, heavily worn. H1.12 is part
of symphyseal region plus R corpus and ramus; sigmoid
notch region damaged; alveoli for LI1-RM2 and very
worn RM3. B1.3 is symphyseal region and part of R
corpus with R and Ldc, all permanent incisors, damaged
dml/P1 region, unerupted P2 and roots of M1. F1.5 is
posterior part of R corpus with damaged ramus, distal
alveolus for Ml, moderately worn M2, and M3
beginning to erupt. 35.77 is symphyseal region and small
part of R corpus, with Is in place, Cs erupting, P1
erupted, and very worn dm2.22687 is symphyseal region
plus R corpus and damaged ramus; some reconstruction;
has Ldc, Rdc-dm2, all Is plus RM1 in place, and RM2
and 3 in crypts. 921-2105b is symphyseal region with all
Is, roots of both dcs. G1.7 is R ramus and part of corpus
with very worn M2 and 3. HIV is symphyseal region
with alveoli for RI1-LP2; also has R 12-M1, with teeth
worn and some broken; on the L is some bone internally.
M1.363 is a fragment of L corpus with alveoli for 12, C,
P2, and very worn and damaged P1. Specimen M2 is a
fragment of L corpus and partial symphyseal region, with
alveoli for Il-M3; either juvenile or nonhominid. A2 is
part of R corpus with alveoli for I2-P2 and very worn
M1-3. CI.4 is a fragment of gonial region with
unerupted M3. KI.96 is a L corpus from symphyseal
region, with C-M2 all worn; incisors and M3 recon-
structed. B3.9 is a fragment of R corpus with damaged
dil-dml, worn or reconstructed dm2, plus M1 erupting.
Mandibles vary in corporal height s/i; from
relatively tall (as in G1.6) to shallow (as in H1.12 and