The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


sagittal suture, to descend almost straight down to-
ward lambda. Just above lambda, bone swells posteri-
orly. Swelling continues down, across, and then
underneath occipital plane to meet highest nuchal
line. Line separated from region of superior nuchal
line by a moderately large, m/l wide, largely inferiorly
facing, rugose and asymmetrical depression. Anterior
to this depression, midline profile descends very
slightly over superior nuchal line, then curves forward
to foramen magnum. Viewed from behind, braincase
bulges fairly far down, reaching maximum width at
the region above the parietomastoid suture. A little
way above this, rear profile bulges slightly again at
back of low temporal lines, just above the parietal
notch. Above this bulge, sides of braincase taper gen-
tly inward, then curve in more strongly to a slight
midline rise in region of bregma. From above, brain-
case expands sharply anteriorly from bulging occipi-
tal, to taper very gently inward anteriorly from above
parietal notch to a not very well-marked postorbital
constriction. Also from above, frontal bears a very low
midline “keel” or bulge; to sides of “keel,” the superior
orbital margins curve somewhat strongly laterally and
Seen from the front, upper face appears only mod-
erately large compared to braincase. Supraorbital mar-
gins tall s/i and only very modestly bulging, with a
hint of very steeply rising posttoral plane emerging
only laterally. Medially, supraorbital region flows across
a very wide, almost flat glabellar region. As seen best
on R, the concave orbital roof angles somewhat
sharply up onto the smoothly, gently rounded anterior
surface of supraorbital region. Superior aspects of
supraorbital region defined only medially by two sub-
circular, shallow depressions that lie on either side of
the frontal keel they help define. Supraorbital region
thins gently laterally, then turns down somewhat to-
ward zygomaticofrontal suture. Bilaterally, shallow,
moderately m/l wide supraorbital notches are situated
quite medially (under the frontal depressions just de-
scribed). In addition, on R, a medium-sized supraor-
bital foramen lies just medial to supraorbital midline.
A pair of fairly well-delineated, large frontal bosses lies
on the frontal itself (lateral to the frontal depressions).
More laterally yet, a very shallow sulcus lies between
the bosses and the somewhat thickened temporal lines.
These lines emerge from just above the region of the
zygomaticofrontal suture, turning strongly back to run
in a shallow arc low down on the side of the braincase.
The lines recurve strongly down and forward across

the region of the parietal notch to flow into the some-
what swollen, upwardly deflected supramastoid crest.
Glabellar region quite wide. Just below, orbital
walls slightly indented medially above level of what
would seem to be nasion, above which is a trace of
metopic suture. Nasal bones broken, depressed (natu-
rally or through injury?); may have been thin in supe-
rior extremities. Frontonasal sutures preserved; sutures
run strongly medially, suggesting their convergence
below what would be identified as nasion. Superior
portions of frontal processes quite broad m/l, some-
what forwardly facing. In profile, glabellar region
slightly overhangs region of nasion. Interorbital region
broadens slightly below medial orbital pinching. Ap-
parent breadth of interorbital region derives from lat-
erally placed, forwardly facing, low posterior lacrimal
crests (preserved superiorly). As seen better on R, the
faint anterior lacrimal crest becomes more distinct
superiorly, where it appears to become confluent with
the posterior lacrimal crest. Lacrimal fossa faces for-
ward. Below region of frontomaxillary suture, interor-
bital region is broadly but gently arced (in the plane
that crosses the nasal bones).
Orbits subrectangular with rounded corners; long
axes slope down somewhat. Infraorbital foramina faint
and lie close to inferior orbital margin. Margin
slightly thickened above foramina. Region below
foramina gently, broadly concave. Region medial to
foramina swells very slightly toward apparently crisp
lateral (marginal) crest of nasal aperture. As preserved,
outline of nasal aperture truly pear-shaped. Inferiorly,
lateral crests fade out well before reaching very large,
distinct, but not greatly anteriorly protruding, anterior
nasal spines. As seen on L, low spinal crest lies lateral
to anterior nasal spine, and creates a shallow, rather
anteriorly facing prenasal fossa between it and termi-
nus of lateral crest. Nasoalveolar clivus short and very
steep, and bluntly angles down from inferior margin
of nasal aperture. Clivus’ surface penetrated by roots
of 11s. Shallow sulcus lies between I1 roots and low,
distinct pillars that mark course of C roots from just
below corners of nasal aperture to alveolar margin.
Anterior root of zygomatic arch takes origin quite
close to alveolar region at Ml and 2. Viewed from
front, anterior zygomatic root curves up and out quite
strongly, creating broad, shallow incisura. Incisura
bounded laterally by m/l wide, a/p thick maxillary
tuberosity. Inferior border of anterior root distinctly
backward curving. From the side, plane of infraorbital
region is angled back very strongly from inferior orbital
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