margin. From below, inferior margin of zygomatic
arch is forward facing, then corners backward bluntly
and (as seen on L) sharply in region of maxillary
tuberosity. Large zygomaticofacial foramen on each
side; on R, lies below inferior orbital margin, on the L
Low frontal keel fades out before reaching
slightly elevated, very posterior, region of bregma.
Temporal lines each delineate, below them, a slightly
bulging area of side wall of braincase. As seen on L,
anterior squamosal suture corners bluntly into tem-
poral fossa, with distinct change in planes. Inferiorly,
there is a clear demarcation of temporal fossa from
infratemporal fossa below. As seen on L, a relatively
short, nonflaring zygomatic arch encloses a fairly
small temporal fossa. Squamosal was apparently tall
s/i but not very long a/p, with quite a strong upward
curve along its sutural margin. As better preserved on
L, posterior root of zygomatic arch lies anterior to
the round, relatively small, somewhat thick-walled
auditory meatus and expands anteriorly into a fairly
m/l narrow, moderately a/p long shelf. Posterior root
flows into a fairly crisply defined suprameatal crest.
In turn, crest flows into an upwardly curving supra-
mastoid crest. Fairly s/i tall sulcus lies between
supramastoid crest and slightly laterally bulging but
relatively small, somewhat anteriorly tilted mastoid
process. As suggested on both sides, parietal notch
was fairly obtuse and ill defined. Parietomastoid
sutures quite long and horizontal. Mastoid processes
small (as seen on R), not very downwardly projecting,
and somewhat mediolaterally compressed. Mastoid
notch shallow; broad anteriorly but narrower and bet-
ter defined posteriorly. Posteriorly, notch terminates
without digastric fossa. Thin paramastoid crest in line
with mastoid process on the R. On L, this structure is
smaller and lies a more posteriorly. Indications on
both sides of low occipitomastoid crest. Quite medial
to this crest lies a long, low, anteriorly very thin,
posteriorly thickened Waldeyer’s crest.
Moderate stylomastoid foramina lie at anterior
extent of mastoid notches. As indicated on L, styloid
pit lies anteromedially, somewhat apart from fora-
men. Carotid foramina large and fairly downwardly
facing; as seen on L, foramen lies anteromedial to
styloid pit. As better preserved on L, a thick, blunt
vaginal process runs along anterolateral margin of
carotid foramen, around region of styloid process,
and fades out in front of stylomastoid foramen, well
before reaching margin of ectotympanic tube. Tube
itself appressed directly to anterior base of mastoid
process. Reconstructing from both sides, articular
fossae were moderately wide m/l, moderately deep,
but not very long a/p. As suggested on R, there was a
low, almost indistinct articular eminence, defined
more by anterior slope of wall of fossa and slope of
sphenotemporal in front than by any local elevation.
Only possible indication of a true eminence occurs
laterally, on inferior border of posterior root of zygo-
matic arch. Posterior wall of articular fossa formed by
ectotympanic tube and somewhat more sloping than
anterior wall. As suggested on R, there was a fairly
large postglenoid plate laterally, but no hint of a
medial articular tubercle.
Occipital plane very wide and quite tall s/i.
Lambdoid suture runs gently up from asterion to peak
broadly at lambda. Much of central region of occipital
plane swollen outward; this bulge continues onto pari-
etals, to a point just above lambda. Further above
lambda, parietals swollen by low bilateral bosses. Be-
low occipital bulge is m/l wide, fairly dp long, rugose,
asymmetrically ovoid depression that faces downward.
Superior nuchal lines begin to become distinct well
medial to occipitomastoid suture and well below aste-
rion, becoming more distinct as they arc up gently,
then down medially, converging to form a low, anteri-
orly pointing crest (not protuberance). This crest is
separated from the very a/p short, low external occipi-
tal crest by a not very wide inferior nuchal line. Supe-
rior nuchal lines themselves delineate in front two m/l
wide, a/p short, scalloped muscle-attachment areas,
defined anteriorly by the inferior nuchal line. Anterior
to the latter, on either side of short external occipital
crest, lies a shallow area of muscle attachment, just be-
hind the foramen magnum. Most of region anterior to
superior nuchal line (on both sides) is swollen down-
ward, reflecting position of cerebellar lobes. Foramen
magnum relatively long and ovoid. Occipital condyles
anteriorly placed and pathologically remodeled. Post-
condylar canals closed and anterior condyloid canals
patent. Basiocciput somewhat broad near condyles,
with minimal tapering anteriorly; quite arced from
side to side, with large, shallow pharyngeal pit in
midline. Basicranial flexion minimal; basiocciput
slopes very gently up and forward. Basicranium in
front of spheno-occipital synchondrosis is missing.
Vomer quite forwardly placed. Medial and lateral
pterygoid plates subequally distended, parallel to one
another, and confluent at bases. Palate small and
tightly curved across front; tooth rows somewhat