Lake Pavin History, geology, biogeochemistry, and sedimentology of a deep meromictic maar lake

(Chris Devlin) #1


  • Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis: reduction of CO 2
    with hydrogen (hydrogenotrophic methanogens) or for-
    mate (formatotrophic methanogens) as electron donors.
    The CO 2 reduction into CH 4 involves 4 H 2 and proceeds
    via carrier-bound one carbon intermediates along the
    C1-reductive pathway (Hedderich and Whitman 2006 ).
    Hydrogenotrophic methanogens belong to the orders
    Methanopyrales, Methanococcales, and
    Methanobacteriales (Lang et al. 2015 ). The hydrogeno-
    trophic pathway is found also in most of the derived lin-
    eages of methanogens (Methanomicrobiales and
    Methanocellales) and was most probably present already
    in the common ancestor of the Euryarchaeota (Bapteste
    et al. 2005 ). Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis constitute
    the main sink of H 2 produced by fermentative bacteria
    (see Sect. Methanogens and fermentative bac-
    teria often grow in syntrophic consortia allowing metha-
    nogens to maintain low H 2 concentrations, a necessary
    condition for the fermentation process (Stams and Plugge
    2009 ). Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis is a commonly
    used pathway and contributes to a huge part of CH 4 pro-
    duction in many environments including freshwater lakes.
    Theoretical values predict that hydrogenotrophic metha-
    nogenesis accounts for 30 % of overall methanogenesis in
    freshwater lakes, and the measured rates of this process
    range from 0 to 100 % (Conrad 1999 ).

  • Acetotrophic methanogenesis: catabolization of acetate
    by cleavage (i.e., disproportionation), with the carboxyl
    group oxidized into CO 2 and the methyl group reduced
    into CH 4. This pathway is only performed by members of
    two genera, Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta (both
    belonging to the order Methanosarcinales, Thauer et al.
    2008 a). This pathway of CH 4 production often represents
    the most important CH 4 source in cold and temperate
    freshwater lakes (Conrad 1999 ).

  • Methylotrophic methanogenesis: disproportionation of
    methyl compounds. The methyl group of C1-compounds
    such as methanol, methylamines, dimethylsulfide, or
    methanethiol is converted to CH 4 and CO 2. Methylotrophic
    methanogens are a phylogenetically and biochemically
    heterogeneous group comprising members of the
    Methanosarcinaceae, Methermicoccaceae (both belong-
    ing to the order Methanosarcinales, Sprenger et al. 2000 ;
    2005 ), the genus Methanosphaera and some species of
    the genus Methanobacterium (order Methanobacteriales,
    Miller and Wolin 1985 ; Fricke et al. 2006 ), and members
    of the recently discovered seventh order of methanogens,
    the Methanomassiliicoccales (Paul et al. 2012 ; Borrel
    et al. 2013 , 2014 ). Unlike hydrogenotrophic and aceto-
    clastic methanogens, methylotrophic methanogens do not
    compete with sulfate reducing bacteria for substrate
    uptake (so-called “noncompetitive substrate”, Oremland
    and Polcin 1982 ) and may thus grow in zones where

alternative electron acceptors are not depleted. This pro-
cess is expected to be low in freshwater lakes since pre-
cursors of methyl compounds (e.g., pectin, cholin,
osmoregulators such as glycine betaine) are not abundant
(Lomans et al. 1997 , 2001 ; Lovley and Klug 1983 ; Zinder
and Brock 1978 ). However, methylotrophic methanogen-
esis was observed in numerous freshwater lake sediments
(Lomans et al. 2001 ). Biochemical Aspects
of Methanogenesis^5
The complexity and uniqueness of methanogenesis as a form
of anaerobic respiration reside in the requirement of six
unusual coenzymes [ferredoxin (Fd), methanofuran (MFR),
tetrahydromethanopterin (H4MPT), coenzyme F420 (F420),
coenzyme M (CoM) and coenzyme B (CoB)]; a multistep
pathway and several unique membrane-bound enzyme com-
plexes coupled to the generation of a proton gradient driving
ATP synthesis (Ferry 2010 ; Nazaries et al. 2013 ). Although
the intermediates and enzymatic reactions of the hydrogeno-
trophic, acetotrophic and methylotrophic pathways are dif-
ferent, they share common features in the final steps of CH 4
production. The final enzymatic step is catalyzed by the
methyl-coenzyme M reductase (MCR) which is unique to
methanogens and, as developed later in this paper, to archaeal
anaerobic methanotrophs. Hence, MCR constitutes a func-
tional marker of microorganisms involved in these metabo-
lisms and is used to investigate the diversity, structure,
distribution and ecology of methanogenic communities in
freshwater lakes (Box 16.1). Environmental Distribution
of Methanogens
Methanogens are the only currently cultivated Archaea that
are truly cosmopolitan. The distribution of methanogens in
natural environments is highly dependent on their adaptation
to various temperature, pH and salinity ranges (Garcia 1990 ).
Methanogens are found in mesophilic as well as extreme
environments (Ollivier et al. 1994 ). Interestingly, methano-
genic archaea have also been found in oxic environments
such as various aerated soils (Angel et al. 2012 ) and the oxy-
genated water column of an oligotrophic lake (Grossart et al.
2011 ). These observations do not question the anaerobic
character of methanogens. In aerated soils, methanogens
become active under wet anoxic conditions whereas in oxy-
genated lake waters methanogens can be attached to photo-
autotrophs (e.g., Cyanobacteria, Chlorella), which may
provide methanogenic substrates and anaerobic niches.

(^5) For detailed informations, see Ferry 2010.
A.-C. Lehours et al.

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