The Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Solega A Linguistic Perspective

(Dana P.) #1

Fig. 5.2 (continued) stream in the lowlands, seen as a line of lusher green ( two left arrowheads )
terminating in a rockpool ( right arrowhead ); ( j ) aḷḷa ka:ḍu , vegetation growing by a larger moun-
tain stream (currently dry); ( k ) hoḍe ka:nu , evergreen forest growing on the sides of a valley; ( l )
saṇṇa ka:nu , patches of high-altitude shola forest ( arrowhead ) surrounded by grassland ; ( m )
saṇṇa ka:nu , view from within a shola forest, showing trees encrusted with mosses and other
epiphytes; ( n ) oḍḍuga:ḍu , a boulder fi eld ; ( o ) beṭṭa bo:ḷi or bo:ḷiga:ḍu , a bare hill top covered with
grassland; ( p ) guḍḍega:ḍu , vegetation growing on small hills.

5.3 Landscape/Forest Types in Solega

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