Biology Today — January 2018

(Jacob Rumans) #1
(ii) Systemic circulation is the flow of oxygenated blood
from heart to body and deoxygenated blood from
body to heart.
(iii) Adrenaline secreted by the medulla of adrenal glands
accelerates the heart beat by influencing the SA
node, only during emergency.
(iv) Aldosterone decreases the rate of reabsorption of
Na+ in the nephrons.
(a) (i) and (iv) only (b) (i), (ii) and (iv) only
(c) (ii) and (iii) only (d) (iv) only

  1. Match Column I with Column II.
    Column I Column II
    A. PCT (i) Transitional epithelium
    B. Urinary bladder (ii) Cuboidal epithelial cells
    C. JGA (iii) Counter current mechanism
    D. Glomerulus (iv) Filtration
    E. Loop of Henle (v) Renin
    (a) A-(ii), B-(i), C-(v), D-(iv), E-(iii)
    (b) A-(i), B-(iii),C-(iv), D-(v), E-(ii)
    (c) A-(ii), B-(v), C-(iv), D-(i), E-(iii)
    (d) A-(i), B-(ii),C-(v), D-(iii),E-(iv)

  2. What changes can one observe in ECG from the normal,
    when insufficient oxygen is received by heart muscle?
    (a) S–T segment is elevated
    (b) T wave is flat
    (c) P–R interval in short
    (d) Enlarged QR waves

  3. Read the following statements and select the correct option.

Statement A : In arteriosclerosis, clot formation in
coronary artery may lead to heart attack.

Statement B : Cholesterol deposition and calcification
cause hardening of arteries.
(a) Both statements A and B are correct and B is the
correct explanation of A.
(b) Both statements A and B are correct but B is not the
correct explanation of A.
(c) Statement A is correct but statement B is incorrect.
(d) Both statements A and B are incorrect.

  1. Collecting ducts unite to form
    (a) ducts of Bellini (b) columns of Bertin
    (c) macula densa (d) trigone.

  2. The urine of normal person does not show presence of
    compounds like
    (a) creatinine, ammonia
    (b) ammonia, allantoin
    (c) albumin, glucose
    (d) oxalic acid, hippuric acid.

  3. The given figure is the ECG of a normal human. Which one
    of its components is correctly interpreted below?


(a) Complex QRS - can help in determining heart rate
(b) Peak T - initiation of total cardiac contraction
(c) Peak P and peak R together - systolic and diastolic
blood pressures
(d) Peak P- initiation of left atrial contraction only

  1. Thrombosis occurs most frequently in which coronary artery?
    (a) Right coronary artery
    (b) Right circumflex coronary artery
    (c) Left anterior descending coronary artery
    (d) Left circumflex coronary artery

  2. If Henle’s loop were absent from mammalian nephron,
    which one of the following is to be expected?
    (a) There will be no urine formation.
    (b) There will be hardly any change in the quality and
    quantity of urine formed.
    (c) The urine will be more concentrated.
    (d) The urine will be more dilute.

  3. Which among the following statements is correct?
    (a) Iron present in heme exist in Fe3+ state.
    (b) During early embryonic life, RBCs are mainly produced
    in liver and spleen.
    (c) Erythrocyte sedimentation rate in women is 0-5 mm
    and in men is 0-7 mm, in first hour.
    (d) Rouleaux formation is favoured by fibrinogen.

  4. In micturition,
    (a) urethra relaxes (b) ureter relaxes
    (c) ureter contracts (d) urethra contracts.

  5. Consider the following statements and select the correct
    I. Lymph is the colourless part of tissue fluid comprising
    of blood plasma but devoid of blood corpuscles.
    II. Macula densa are the epithelial cells of distal
    convoluted tubule that come in contact with afferent
    and efferent arterioles.
    III. Lymphatic capillaries unite to form lymphatic vessels
    with numerous valves.
    I V. The proximal convoluted tubule lined by epithelial cells
    having few microvilli join to form large ducts of Bellini.
    The correct statements are
    (a) I and II (b) III and IV
    (c) II and III (d) I and IV.

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