Biology Today - February 2018

(Michael S) #1


Simple fruits can be simple dry fruits, which possess thin, hard and dry pericarp or succulent fruits in which pericarp is fleshy,
edible and differentiated into epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp.

Simple Dry Fruits

(i) Capsular or dehiscent fruits : These fruits are many seeded where pericarp splits open at maturity to expose seeds.

Legume or Pod
This fruit develops from a
superior, monocarpellary,
unilocular ovary with
marginal placentation and
it dehisces by both ventral
and dorsal sutures. It is
the characteristic of Family
Fabaceae, HJ, 3LVXP
Legume of pea VDWLYXP, 'ROLFKRVODEODE etc.

The fruit develops from bicarpellary, syncarpous,
superior ovary having parietal placentation. The
ovary is unilocular but later becomes bilocular
due to development of a false septum, called
replum. It dehisces from the base towards the
apex by both the sutures. It is characteristic of
Family Brassicaceae, H.J., %UDVVLFD.

Follicle Types
It is similar to legume
in all characters
except that it dehisces
from one suture only,
Follicle of milkweed

This fruit develop from multicarpellary syncarpous,
superior or inferior ovary. Capsule are multilocular
and many seeded fruits and dehisce by various
ways. Depending upon the mode of dehiscence,
capsules may be loculicidal, septicidal, septifragal,
denticidal, pyxidium or porocidal.

It is a few seeded shortened and
flattened siliqua, HJcandytuft
(,EHULV), Shepherd’s purse
(&DSVHOOD). Silicula ,EHULV

Capsule of 'DWXUD

Siliqua of mustard

(ii) Achenial or indehiscent fruits : These fruits develop from single ovuled ovary having basal placentation and so are single
seeded. These fruits do not burst at maturity but only the decaying of pericarp liberates the seeds.

Types Achene
A small fruit which develops from
a monocarpellary superior ovary.
Pericarp is hard and remains free
from seed coat except at one
point. (.J., 0LUDELOLV, &OHPDWLV.

The fruit is produced from bicarpellary,
syncarpous, inferior ovary. Persistent
hairy calyx (pappus) are attached with
the fruit. Pericarp is free from seed

It is dry fruit which develops from a
superior, bi or multicarpellary ovary
having a hard and woody pericarp,
rarely leathery, HJlitchi, cashewnut,

A dry fruit which develops from
bicarpellary, syncarpous ovary. Pericarp
bears membranous outgrowths called
wings for wind dispersal, H.J., +RORSWHOHD
8OPXV, etc.

Caryopsis or Grain
Pericarp and seed coat are
inseparably fused with each
other, HJ, members of Family
Poaceae (= Gramineae).

Cypsela of 6RQFKXV

Samara of +RORSWHOHD

Nut of litchi

Achene of 0LUDELOLV(L.S)

Single grain (caryopsis)
of maize

(iii) Schizocarpic or splitting fruits : These are many seeded, dry and simple fruits that break up into single seeded parts. The
indehiscent single seeded parts are called mericarps while the dehiscent ones are termed as cocci (singular coccus).

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