Biology Today - February 2018

(Michael S) #1


An aggregate fruit or etaerio is a group of fruitlets which develop from multicarpellary apocarpous ovary. Aggregate fruits are of
following main types:


Etaerio of berries
It develops from a
polycarpellary ovary. Each
carpel develops into a berry
and a number of berries lie
embedded in the thalamus
and look like a single
fruit, HJcustard apple

Etaerio of drupes
It is an aggregation
of many small drupes,
developed from different
carpels and arranged
collectively (in groups) on
the fleshy thalamus, H.J.,
raspberry, blackberry, etc.

Etaerio of achenes
It is an aggregation of
achenes (single-seeded,
dry indehiscent fruitlets)
where seeds are attached
to the pericarp at one
point. (J 5RVDLQGLFD,

Etaerio of follicles
It is an aggregation of
follicles developed from
a flower with apocarpous
pistil. Many follicles are
arranged on the enlarged
thalamus in a bunch,
H.J., champa (0LFKHOLD),
madar (&DORWURSLV), etc.

Etaerio of follicles

Etaerio of berries of
custard apple (L.S)

Etaerio of drupes in
raspberry (L.S)

Etaerio of
achenes of lotus


A composite or multiple fruit is a group of fruitlets which develop from flowers of an inflorescence.

It develops from hypanthodium type of inflorescence, H.J., peepal
The flask-shaped receptacle becomes fleshy. The enclosed
female flowers may produce small achene-like
fruitlets. Syconus has a small pore protected
by scale leaves.

The composite fruit develops from
either a spike or female catkin, HJ mulberry
(0RUXV), pineapple, jack-fruit. The sorosis fruit of
mulberry develops from a female catkin. In mulberry
ovaries of the individual flowers develop into minute seedless
fruitlets or nutlets (= achenes). Their perianth lobes (4 in number)
become fleshy and juicy. The whole fruit is edible.

Syconus of fig Types

Sorosis of 0RUXV

Seed is a ripened ovule which contains an embryo or miniature plant in
suspended condition, adequate reserve food for future development of
the embryo and a covering for protection against mechanical injury, loss
of water, pathogens, etc.

The embryo consists of an axis or tigellum, to which are attached, one
(in monocotyledonous seeds) or two (in dicotyledonous seeds) seed leaves
or cotyledons.

Endospermic or albuminous seeds
Contain endosperm as the reserve food material,
HJ maize, castor, etc.

Non-endospermic or ex-albuminous seeds
Endosperm is consumed during seed development
and the food is stored in cotyledons and other
Types of seedsregions, HJ orchids, gram, etc.
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