II. Compound Epithelia (Multilayered Epithelia)
(a) Stratified epithelium
Stratified squamous epithelium
Consists of several cell layers. In the deepest
layers, the cells are mainly columnar and as
they grow towards the surface they become
flattened. It is of following two types:
(i) Keratinised stratified squamous
epithelium : In the outer few layers, the cells
replace their cytoplasm with a hard, water
proof protein, the keratin. These layers of
dead cells are called stratum corneum or
horny layer.
(ii) Non-keratinised stratified squamous
epithelium : It lacks keratin and is unable to
check water loss and provides only moderate
protection against abrasion.
Occurs in the epidermis of the skin of
land vertebrates.
Occurs in the oral cavity (buccal cavity),
tongue, pharynx, oesophagus, anal canal,
lower parts of urethra, vocal cords, vagina,
cervix (lower part of uterus), conjunctiva,
inner surface of eyelids and cornea of eye.
Protection of underlying
structure against drying
out, abrasions and
Stratified cuboidalepithelium
Consists of outer layer of cuboidal cells and
basal layer of columnar cells.
Forms the epidermis of fishes and many
urodeles (tailed amphibians such as
salamanders). It also lines the sweat
gland ducts and larger salivary and
pancreatic ducts.
Stratified columnarepithelium
Columnar cells present in both superficial and
basal layers.
Covers the epiglottis and lines mammary
gland ducts and parts of urethra.
Secretion and
Stratified ciliated columnarepithelium
Outer layer consists of ciliated columnar cells
and basal layer of columnar cells.
Lines the larynx and upper part of the
soft palate.
Movement of
(b) Transitional epithelium
Also known as
Consists of 4 to 6 layers of cells. The cells
of deepest (= basal) layer are columnar or
cuboidal while the cells of middle layer are
polyhedral or pear-shaped. The cells of the
surface layer are large and globular or umbrella
shaped. When the epithelium is stretched, all
the cells become flattened.
Found in the renal calyces, renal pelvis,
ureter urinary bladder and part of the
urethra. Because of its distribution, it
is also called urothelium (epithelium
present in the urinary system). The
transitional epithelium of the urinary
bladder can be stretched considerably
without being damaged.
Permits distention. It
is also protective in
- Neha Joshy - Alappuzha, Kerala
- D.B. Rakshit Narayan
- Annanagar, Chennai
All : Asteroidea
Have : Holothuroidea
Calcareous : Crinoidea
Ossicle : Ophiuroidea
Endoskeleton : Echinoidea
To easily remember the five classes of Echinoderms, the mnemonic
“All Have Calcareous Ossicle Endoskeleton” can be used as follows: