Biology Today - February 2018

(Michael S) #1

  • If N is the population density of time t, then its density at time t + 1 is:

Nt + 1 = Nt + [(B + I) – (D + E)]

Exponential growth

  • When resources like food and space are unlimited,
    population grows in an exponential or geometric ratio,
    resulting in J-shape curve.

  • = rN

(r is intrinsic rate of natural increase)

  • It has two phases, lag and log.

  • It occurs in fewer organisms, HJ, Lemmings and algal bloom.

Logistic growth

  • Population shows initially a lag phase, followed by phases of
    increase and decrease and finally the population density reaches
    the carrying capacity (k), beyond which no further growth is
    possible, resulting in a sigmoid curve (S - Shape curve).

  • Verhulst-Pearl logistic growth equation is- dN



  • It has four phases-lag, log, deceleration and steady.

Time (t)

Population density (N)


Lag phase phase

= rN

= rN


Time (t)

Population density (N)


  1. Parasitism

  • It is a relationship between two living organisms of different species in which one organism called parasite that obtains
    its food directly from another living organism called host.

  • The parasite is smaller as compared to its host. It spends a part or whole of its life on or in the body of the host.

Table: Characteristics of different types of parasite
Type of parasite Characteristics
(i) (a) Ectoparasite
(b) Endoparasite

Live over the surface of host, HJ, sucking lice, aphids.
Live inside the host’s body, can be intracellular, body fluid parasite, gut parasite, HJ, $VFDULV7U\SDQRVRPD.
(ii) (a) Temporary parasite
(b) Permanent parasite

Live in contact with host for only a part of their life, HJ, bed bug, leech.
Live in contact with host throughout their life. They are transferred to new host as egg, cyst or directly,
(iii) (a) Holoparasites
(b) Hemiparasites

Parasites which are completely dependent on the host for all their requirements, HJ., 5DIIOHVLD&XVFXWD, etc.
Parasite which receive only a part of nourishment from the host while the rest is manufactured by
them,HJ9LVFXP (Mistletoe) and /RUDQWKXV
(iv) Stem and root parasites Parasitic on plants and are in contact with the host plant either in the region of stem (HJ, &XVFXWD
9LVFXP, stem borer, lac insect, etc., or root (HJ5DIIOHVLD and root nematodes).
(v) (a) Non-pathogenic
(b) Pathogenic parasite

Parasite may not harm the host either because it deprives the host of only a fraction of food or is
dependent on the host for its dead tissues only, HJ(QWDPRHEDFROL.
Parasites cause diseases in the host, HJ9LEULRFKROHUDH(cholera),&RU\QHEDFWHULXPGLSKWKHULDH
(diphtheria), etc.
(vi) Hyperparasite Parasite which lives on another parasite, HJ, some bacteriophages (bacterial viruses), bacterium
HJ., 3DVWHXUHOODSHVWLVin;HQRSV\OODFKHRSVLV (Rat Flea) that is an ectoparasite of rat.
(vii) Brood parasitism Parasitic bird lays its eggs in the nest of its host and the host incubates them. During the course of
evolution, the eggs of the parasite bird have evolved to resemble the host’s egg in size and colour
to reduce the chances of the host bird detecting the foreign eggs and ejecting them from the nest,
HJ, cuckoo (parasitic bird) and crow (host bird).
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