Here’s why. Long ago, two fox families arranged for their children to be married when they grew up. But the families lived far a ...
spirit. In time they forgot about their parents’ trickery. But each still feared being revealed. “If she finds out how plain I a ...
“It’s so beautiful!” the fox-wife said. “A rainy day and a sunny day—at the same time!” Then she pressed her lips to his paw and ...
Idaranoutsidewithoutpausingtograb acoatorboots.Sheandheryoungerbrother Hosea pushed their lifesaving skiff into the surf.Againan ...
When they neared the overturned sail- boat, Ida maneuvered the skiff so that the back, or stern, faced the men. While Hosea held ...
the lifeboat as skillfully as her father. Ida loved hearing his stories of adventures at sea. Her favorite was about a lighthous ...
her with a lifeboat carved from oak, cedar, and walnut as part of their Independence Day celebration. It had copper oarlocks and ...
her schoolmates and bought a tombstone engraved with an anchor and two oars. Installed in 1913, it bears this message: Ida Lewis ...
Remember the sound of thunder—that ripping, booming, crash that makes your bedroom window rattle? It’s usually pre- ceded by a f ...
could still see the lightning! “After each flash of lightning, everything turned com- pletely black. I was lost in a pool of ink ...
Arion’s main patron was Periander, the tyrant of Corinth, who was a plutocratic and superstitious man. In early spring, Arion le ...
29 ...
final song. The greedy pirates ho-ho-ed among themselves. Not only would they take Arion’s money, but they’d have the privilege ...
trying to eat him; it was trying to help him. This was no sea monster, but a dolphin! Arion climbed onto the back of the dol- ph ...
carried him safely to shore. While Periander believed Arion’s story, he was not too sure how to interpret the miracle, superstit ...
returned Arion’s silver to him, the two friends shared a rich feast in the tyrant’s banquet hall in celebration of his return. A ...
Arcadia a)apopulargame b)apathborderedbymarblecolumns c) a contented land Calypso a)abeautifulseanymph b)aromanticsong c)agentle ...
Cornucopia a) a horn containing food b) a fungal infection of the feet c) an old joke Satyr a) a stringed instrument b) a minor ...
Arcadia c)AruralcountryinPeloponnesus,namedafterArcas,sonofZeus. Itsinhabitants,manyofthemshepherds,weretheidealsofrusticsimplic ...
Satyr b) A demigod of the forests and mountains. Satyrs had pointy ears, short horns, hairy legs, a goat’s tail, and cloven hoof ...
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