
(Lars) #1
figure 7

figure 5

figure 6

figure 8

    6.  Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 (f igure 5).

  1. Now sketch the dragon’s tail onto colored paper.
    8. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 (f igure 6).
    9. For the clawed feet, fold 2 separate sheets of colored paper horizon-
    tally. Draw a dragon’s foot on each half sheet. The feet may be slightly
    different, as forepaws and hindpaws are. Cut along the outline of each
    sketch, and then cut along the fold. You’ll end up with 2 pairs of sym-
    metrical feet (f igure 7).
    1 0. When you have cut out all the units, place them, sketch-side down, on
    the background paper, giving your dragon a nicely twisted movement.
    Trim the top of the body segment nearest the head so it does not
    interfere with the head’s design (f igure 8).
    1 1. Beginning with the tail, glue your dragon segments to the background
    1 2. When the glue is dry, you can hang this craft on the wall (or, if the
    background is cellophane, tape it to a window-pane). Then enjoy your
    twisting, turning, good-luck Chinese dragon!

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