Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

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  1. M. I. Norton, “Unequality: Who Gets What and Why It Matters,” Policy Insights
    from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (October 2014): 151–155.

  2. Y. Kim and M. Sherraden, “Do Parental Assets Matter for Children’s Educational
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  3. S. Loughnan, P. Kuppens, J. Allik, K. Balazs, S. de Lemus, et al., “Economic In e qual ity Is
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  4. P. K. Smith, N. B. Jostmann, A. D. Galinsky, and W. W. van Dijk, “Lacking Power
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  5. C. L. Odgers, “Income In e qual ity and the Developing Child: Is It All Relative?”
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  6. K. D. Vohs, “Th e Poor’s Poor Mental Power,” Science 341 (August 2013): 968–970, 969.

  7. J. T. McGuire and J. W. Kable, “Rational Temporal Predictions Can Underlie Appar-
    ent Failures to Delay Gratifi cation,” Psychological Review 120 (April 2013): 395–410.

  8. A. K. Shah, S. Mullainathan, and E. Shafi r, “Some Consequences of Having Too
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  9. A. Chirumbola and A. Areni, “Th e Infl uence of Job Insecurity on Job Per for mance
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  10. A. Bandura, C. Barbaranelli, G. V. Caprara, and C. Pastorelli, “Multifaceted Impact
    of Self- Effi cacy Beliefs on Academic Functioning,” Child Development 67 (June 1996):
    1206–1222, 1206.

  11. W. E. Frankenhuis and C. de Weerth, “Does Early- Life Exposure to Stress Shape, or Im-
    pair, Cognition?” Current Directions in Psychological Science 22 (October 2013): 407–412.

  12. T. Schmader and W. M. Hall, “Ste reo type Th reat in School and at Work: Putting
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  13. P. K. Piff , M. W. Kraus, S. Côté, B. H. Cheng, and D. Keltner, “Having Less, Giving
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  15. F. Autin, A. Batruch, and F. Butera, “Social Justice in Education: How the Function
    of Se lection in Educational Institutions Predicts Support for (Non)Egalitarian As-
    sessment Practices,” Frontiers in Psy chol ogy 6 (June 2015): 707, http:// dx. doi. org / 10
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  16. S. Bowles and H. Gintis, “Th e Inheritance of Economic Status: Education, Class and
    Ge ne tics,” in Ge ne tics, Be hav ior and Society, ed. M. Feldman (New York: Elsevier, 2001),
    4132–4141. See also S. Bowles and H. Gintis, Schooling in Cap i tal ist Amer i ca: Educational
    Reform and the Contradictions of Economic Life (Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2013).

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