Sharks The Animal Answer Guide

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242 Index

encephalization quotient, 51, 80
endangered species, 185–91
enemies, 101–4
Epaulette Shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum):
coloration, 55, 58, 65; diseased, 181; feeding,
148; pets, 157; seeing in captivity, 167–68;
survival without oxygen, 48, 100; walking
along bottom, 46
European Elasmobranch Association, 195, 230
evolution, 2, 3, 13–14, 21, 82, 111, 221; brain
size, 79–80; coloration, 60, 64; extinction,
187; hammerheads, 48, 50–51; rays, 11, 13,
42, 45, 81, 164; remoras, 77; reproduction,
114, 128; saw sharks, 8, 9; teeth, 19, 32. See
also fossils
eyes, 36–37; color, 64; corneal transplants, 162;
operculum pupillare, 64; parasites, 108, 110;
tapetum lucidum, 37
Eyespot Skate (Altantoraja cyclophora), 55
eye surgery in humans, 160, 162

Fenestraja, 17
Fernicola, Richard, 172
fertilization, internal, 2, 5, 13, 114
fighting behavior, 73–75
filter feeders, 148–50
filtering pads, 148–49, 150
Finetooth Shark, 119, 124, 194
Finless Sleeper Ray (Temera hardwickii), 16
finning, 196–97, 197 , 198, 198 , 200, 212, 217
Fishes of the World, 3
fishing for sharks, 207; bycatch, 180, 188–89,
193, 194, 195–96; catch-and-release, 193;
economic value, 165; finning, 196–97, 198,
200, 212, 217; kill derbies, 200; methods,
192; at night, 150; reasons, 193; regulation,
166, 188, 193–95; sport, 193
fishing nets, shark entanglement in, 163, 187,
188, 189, 192, 195
Florida Museum of Natural History, 172, 201,
foods and feeding, 135–56; activity patterns,
99, 150–51; animal position, 154; body
temperature, 24–25; cannibalism, 101, 137;
catching, 142–50; chewing, 152; coloration,
63; cooperative, 154–56; cyclone, 71, 150;
defense of, 73–76; diet, 135–39; eating
frequency, 151–52; electric sensitivity, 39, 40;
finding, 139–42; fishing, 78–79; frenzies, 68,
103, 164, 210; hard-shelled animals, 152–53;
intrauterine, 31–32; metabolism and rates,
23; plankton, 11, 13, 24, 29, 45, 61, 68, 87,
89–90, 99, 138, 148–49, 150, 161, 186, 200;
scavenging, 21, 90, 111, 135–36, 153–54,
192, 219; species making themselves hard to
eat, 106–7; storing, 153–54; tool use, 81–82;
“yum-yum yellow,” 38
food webs/chains, 21, 111

fossils, 3, 13–14, 20; Chimaeriformes, 7; cop-
rolites, 20; and habitat, 20; teeth, 13, 18–20,
198, 206
freshwater habitats, 5, 13, 20, 91–94
Frilled Shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus), 94,
122, 224, 224
frill sharks, 4, 10
Galapagos Shark (Carcharhinus galapagensis), 73,
76, 135, 137, 166, 215
Galeomorphi, 4, 227
Ganges Shark (Glyphis gangeticus), 91
geographic diversity, 95–97
geomagnetic orientation, 40
Georgia Aquarium, 169, 189, 190
gestation period, 118–19
ghostfishes, 4, 88
ghost sharks, 2, 6, 38, 102, 210
Giant Freshwater Stingray (Himantura chao-
phraya), 16, 91
Giant Manta (Manta birostris), 11, 16, 88, 130.
See also manta rays
Giant Purple Chimaera (Chimaera lignaria), 60
Giant Trevally (Caranx ignobilis), 103–4
gill arches, 5, 43, 150
gill rakers, 29, 148, 149, 150
gill slits, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10; in breathing, 42–43
global warming, 191
Goblin Shark (Mitsukurina owstoni), 4, 59, 94,
98, 210
Golden Hammerhead, 63
Gray Nurse Shark, 155
Gray Reef Shark: activity, 70, 75 , 150, 151; eco-
tourism, 165; feeding, 68, 150, 151; groups,
68, 70, 71; home range, 76–77; olfaction,
140; seeing in the wild, 166; sex segregation,
128; territoriality, 75; vertical movements, 89
Gray Smoothhound Shark (Mustelus californi-
cus), 61
Great Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna mokar-
ran), 49, 223; feeding, 50, 101, 137, 142–44,
144 ; fishing, 188; head, 49, 50; maturity and
longevity, 130; migration, 84; size, 15, 130
Great Lanternshark (Etmopterus princeps), 94
Greenland Shark (Somniosus microcephalus):
feeding, 106; geographic distribution, 17;
Inuit legend, 204; parasites, 108, 110, 110 ;
safety of eating, 182–84; size, 15, 204; teeth,
27, 30
Greenland Sleeper Shark, 183
growth rate, 132, 133
guitarfishes, 2, 4, 8–10; habitats, 12, 91, 96;
reproduction, 123, 126
gulper sharks, 4, 64, 94, 121, 122, 182, 183
Gummy Shark (Mustelus antarcticus), 97, 101, 134
habitats, 12–13; destruction, 22, 93, 185, 191;
for egg laying or birth, 115, 120–21; fresh-
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