Computational Methods in Systems Biology

(Ann) #1

290 P. Boba and K. Hamacher

  1. Boba, P., Hamacher, K.: Accompanying supplemental material to this paper.

  2. Hlav ́aˇckov ́a-Schindler, K., Paluˇs, M., Vejmelka, M., Bhattacharya, J.: Causality
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  3. Paluˇs, M.: Detecting phase synchronization in noisy systems. Phys. Lett.
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  4. Schreiber, T.: Measuring information transfer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2), 461–464
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  5. Tung, T.Q., Ryu, T., Lee, K.H., Lee, D.: Inferring gene regulatory networks from
    microarray time series data using transfer entropy. In: Twentieth IEEE International
    Symposium on Computing Based Medical Systems, pp. 383–388, June 2007.http://

  6. Weil, P., Hoffgaard, F., Hamacher, K.: Estimating sufficient statistics in
    co-evolutionary analysis by mutual information. Comput. Biol. Chem.
    33 (6), 440–444 (2009).,

  7. Wollstadt, P., Mart ́ınez-Zarzuela, M., Vicente, R., D ́ıaz-Pernas, F.J., Wibral, M.:
    Efficient transfer entropy analysis of non-stationary neural time series. PLoS ONE
    9 , 27 (2014).

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