2DARTISTMAG.COM2DARTIST MAGAZINE | Speed paint a realistic seascape05Integrate the photo: Duplicate thephoto layer, complete with mask. Nolonger needing the mask it is simply a case ofdragging the mask itself to the trash bin on theLayers panel. This will bring a pop-up that asks ifyou want to keep and apply the mask or deleteit. In this case we can delete it as it is no longerneeded for this layer. Applying the mask willremove the editing capabilities that the maskallows and simply delete the non-visible aspects.Mirror the photo layer, turn down the opacity,and place over the water and erase as needed.06Back to painting: Once the photois in place we can begin painting.Start a new layer and, using a large texturedbrush, start re-adding elements to the piece.Color picking from the photo can help a greatThe image once the photo has been moved``````Use the photo to add some color into the water in the scene``````Color pick from the photo to tie the image together
martin jones
(Martin Jones)