2DARTISTMAG.COM2DARTIST MAGAZINE | Speed paint a realistic seascapeareas that are looking drab and lackluster.Making use of color layers provides a quickand simple solution. Here a Soft Light layer isused to just tint the color (image 09a); it is akinto a wash color on an oil painting. A large softairbrush often works best for this as hard edgescan leave artifacts that look distracting whenthe layers are flattened later (image 09b).10Detail the image: Once thecolors have been adjusted, we canbegin adding more detail. Switching to aharder brush at this juncture will providesome harder edges and therefore muchmore detail and contrast, especially in theforeground on the rocks and cave entrance.Learn to use single brushstrokes rather than repeated ones to denote color and tone``````Use the editing tools to make the most of the image``````Add white edges to the water to imply waves
martin jones
(Martin Jones)