them up â literally! To do this, I used theLasso Tool to convey the feeling that thebuilding structures were collapsing.Next, I applied the same effect to the ship,which I had already defined. Using theLasso Tool, I broke down the fuselage ofthe vehicle, trying to represent that anexplosion had occurred within the shipDetails, colors and effectsFor the next step, I added some elementsand particles on different planes to enhancethe image. In the foreground, I added somepieces to generate the impression of depth. Inaddition to this, I set some little spare parts inthe background and around the ship as debris.These elements created the impressionthat parts of the vehicle were beingejected by the explosion. This effect alsoadded more movement to the scene.``````It was then time to add more color to theimage, so I first defined some colors on anew canvas. In this case I combined blue andred values to generate vibration. Using themotion blur effect, I blended those values andachieved a direction for the light in the scene.``````I then applied this new image above the one andstarted to experiment with different blendingmodes, such as Overlay, Soft Light, Screenand Lighten, until I found one that createdthe effect I was looking for. Next I needed toincorporate images of sparks with some partsof the ship to show the breaking electricalcables and reinforce the dynamism and realism.To do this, I used Screen blending mode.``````Finally, I blurred some regions of the image toachieve a depth-of-field effect, and I also used theSharpen Tool on the ship to increase detail, too.``````Finally my concept was finished. Whiledeveloping this scene I learned several new waysto generate ideas through playing with texturesand shapes. This new process allowed me tobring scenes to life that I had been thinkingabout for some time, giving them the dynamismand realism that I was always hoping for.``````Creating new worldsThe techniques explained are also useful whencreating different types of images; for exampletaking my own ideas to work for a videogame ormovie brief. Never forget the importance of theexperimentation: itâs a powerful tool to generatenew ideas and achieve astonishing images!``````âIn this case I combinedblue and red values togenerate vibration. Usingthe motion blur effect Iblended those values andachieved a direction for thelight in the sceneâ``````In this step I added color and some special effects using filters and textures
The ArtistJuan Pablo Roldánartstation.com/artist/roldan
martin jones
(Martin Jones)