2DARTIST MAGAZINE | ISSUE 129``````25``````WM: Thatâs a difficult question. There is nospecific time and place where I feel morecreative. But living in the city drains my creativity,so to refresh that I take time off and go tothe mountains and get closer to nature.``````2da: Artist block is a problem for many creativepeople. Can you share a couple of tips youuse when the inspiration stops flowing?``````WM: When I get artist block, the harder I try tobreak it the worse it gets sometimes. I think thebest thing to do is to stop making art and take``````past the visual noise to extract the essence of thesubject and then use it in painting amazes me.``````2da: Where (and when) do you feelyou are at your most creative?
WM: That artist would be Joseph Zbukvic; I wouldlove to learn from him. The way he paints withwatercolor is amazing. He can create the feelingof realism and mood with just a few simplebrushstrokes which is really amazing. SeeingPRO TIPLearn the fundamentalsI see many new artists, even when I was learning, who would neglect the basics, and I canâtemphasize enough how important it is to work on the fundamentals. Using photos and 3D willnot help unless you know the basics.
martin jones
(Martin Jones)