2D Artist

(Martin Jones) #1

2DARTISTMAG.COM2DARTIST MAGAZINE | Atmospheric environment conceptsvideogame or movie concept artists and designers.They include Ryan Church, Dylan Cole, YanickDusseault, Scott Robertson, Steven Messing,James Paick, John Park and many, many more.``````There are also some traditional artists whose workI love such as Renato Muccillio, Joseph Zbukvic,Richard Schmid, and Richard Robinson. They areall realistic painters as I love realism, and this issomething which is quite visible in my portfolio.``````2da: If you could meet any artist (past orpresent) what would you ask them and why?``````is something I would like to do in the future.I have even purchased some online classesfor it, so I will learn as soon as I get some timeoff from my current personal project.``````2da: Which artist or group of artistsparticularly inspire your work?``````WM: In the beginning I was highly inspired bythe works of Raphael Lacoste, and he was theart director on Prince of Persia. I am still inspiredby his work, but now there are also other artistswhose work inspires me. These artists are mostlyin traditional mediums, and I really love that,so I want to get into digital sculpting. I think itwill give me more creative ways to explore myideas, and make my process a lot faster too.When it comes to techniques, I will be getting intomatte painting. Although I don’t want to be a mattepainter, I want to be able to use these techniques inmy work. These days matte painting has becomevery technical and vast and very 3D-based, and Idon’t particularly like too much technical stuff.I also like to do traditional painting. I have notproperly done traditional art before but thisAlley way

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