costume elements, they have not been thataffected by the atmospheric color of the scene.In order to help bring the figure into theenvironment use Color Balance to coolthe color temperature across parts of thefigure. I also use a soft round brush to adda subtle bloom to some of the highlights,and to better tie the piece together.15Final tweaks and sharpening: Asyou prepare to wrap up the imagethere are a few final tweaks to add. Make acopy of the entire image on a new layer, andthen sharpen it using the Unsharp mask.Then apply a mask to this layer filled withblack. That way you can selectively sharpenareas by painting white over areas you wantthe sharpen layer to come through.Remember that when you apply a mask to a layer,the areas that are white in the mask are opaqueand the black areas transparent. One final valuecheck and you can sign the image to complete it.Use Color Balance to prevent the figure from contrasting too much with the background``````Make some last minute checks, tweaks and adjustments then sign your finished work
martin jones
(Martin Jones)