2DARTISTMAG.COM2DARTIST MAGAZINE | Design a battle shamanUse reference material to correct the forms and details of the animal skulls in the shamanâs costume
from life, to believe one part is wrong, but itmay actually be a different relationship thatis incorrect. A quick copy and transform laterfixes the position of the legs and hips.12Additional details and background:Now work up the detail of the tool beltas well as defining the details of the weaponand headdress. Add an implication of a forestedbackground by roughly blocking out sometrunk shapes, on top of which you can sketchout some branches using a branch-shapedcustom brush. Try to keep this relatively simplesince the goal of the image is to showcase thecharacter. Using some cloud brushes and softedged erasing also create some volumetric fog tocreate an illusion of depth behind the character.13Refining the skulls: Now itâs timeto address the elephant in the room,or rather, the skull atop the shamanâs poleaxe.Search online for some reference images of deerskulls to get a better idea of how the shapeswork together and how they can fit onto theweapon you have created for your character.Take this opportunity to further refine thedetail on the horned headdress. Add detailin the form of the depressions and insertionswhere muscle would attach. To continue thetrend you could also add additional detailto the character in the form of scars befittinga battle hardened warrior shaman.14Unifying the color: The generalwarmth of the color palette of thefigure is somewhat at odds with that of theenvironment. While at the moment these colorsmay be truer to the local color of the individualUse custom brushes based on clouds and branches to imply a background, contextualizingthe character in the scene
martin jones
(Martin Jones)