Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1

A.7 Singular Value

EveryA, matrixmn,mncan be decomposed as

A¼UΣVT ð 39 Þ

where (.)Tdenotes the transposed matrix andUismnmatrix,
Visnnmatrix satisfying


andΣ¼E½σ 1 ,...,σnŠa diagonal matrix.
Theseσi’s,σ 1 /gσ 2 ,...,σn0 are the square root of the
nonnegative eigenvalues ofATAand are called as the singular values
of matrix A. As it is well known from linear algebra, see i.e., Press
et al. [29] singular value decomposition is a technique to compute
pseudoinverse for singular or ill-conditioned matrix of linear sys-
tems. In addition this method provides least square solution for
overdetermined system and minimal norm solution in case of
undetermined system.
The pseudoinverse of a matrixA,mnis a matrixA+,n∗m


¼AAþ ð 41 Þ

where (.)∗denotes the conjugate transpose of the matrix.
Always exists a uniqueA+which can be computed using SVD:

  1. Ifm>¼nandA¼UΣVT, then

Aþ¼VΣ^1 UT ð 42 Þ

whereΣ^1 ¼E½ 1 =σ 1 ,...,1=σnŠ

  1. Ifm<n, then compute the (AT)+, pseudoinverse ofATand

Aþ¼ððATÞþÞT ð 43 Þ

A.8 Newton-Raphson
with Pseudoinverse

The idea of using pseudoinverse in order to generalize of Newton
method is not new but has been suggested by different authors,
among others we may cite Haselgrove [30]. It means that in the
iteration formula, the pseudoinverse of the Jacobian matrix will be

xiþ 1 ¼xiJþðxjÞfðxiÞð 44 Þ

90 Rodolfo Guzzi et al.

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