Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
l Inverse problem solving tools for solving inverse problems.
An open-source Python library for modelling and inversion in
l PyDSTool is a sophisticated and integrated simulation and
analysis environment for dynamical systems models of physical
systems (ODEs, DAEs, maps, and hybrid systems and bifurca-
tion). PyDSTool is platform independent, written primarily in
Python with some underlying C and Fortran legacy code for fast
solving. PyDSTool supports symbolic math, optimization, phase
plane analysis, continuation and bifurcation analysis, data analy-
sis, and other tools for modelling—particularly for biological

We have not had any problems to install and run the above
mentioned software, but check the different releases be compatible.
The python version was 2.7.


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Inverse Problems in Systems Biology 93
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