Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
The appearance of new structures in nature far from thermody-
namic equilibrium appears similar to a “phase transition,” generi-
cally called bifurcation [17]. Due to the nonlinear nature of the
dynamical system and the feedback processes, the fluctuations grow
and amplify at the macroscopic level which leads to the appearance
of the system’s self-organization and consequently the complexity
that it exhibits [18].
The seminal work of Landau [19] established the theoretical
foundation of the phase transition. According to Landau formal-
ism, the potentialΦor “Landau potential” is defined in terms of the
variables that describe the systemγ, and the order parameterμ[20].
The order parameter is defined empirically. As shown in a
previous work, in the case of cancer evolution [21], the order
parameterμis taken as the difference between the fractal dimension
of normal dfN and tumor cells dfC, thus μ¼dfNdfC ,where
μ¼0 in the symmetric phase (normal cells) andμ 6 ¼0 for tumor
cells. The order parameterμis called the “morphological degree of
complexity” [22].
The Landau potentialΦcan be written as

ΦðÞ¼γ;μ Φ 0 ðÞþμ αγðÞμ^2 þβγðÞμ^4 þð 14 Þ
In the neighborhood of the transition pointμ¼0:



¼ 4 Cμ^3 þ 2 Aμ¼ 0 ð 15 Þ

the stability condition is fulfilled as

∂^2 ΦðÞγ;μ


¼ 2 Aþ 12 Cμ^2 > 0 ð 16 Þ

Considering Eqs. (15) and (16), there are three possibilities:


  1. By continuity we have:γ¼γC)A¼0.

Although a satisfactory description is achieved through the
dissipation functionΨof tumor growth [22], Landau formalism
is limited since it is based on a mean field theory [23]; in other
words, it does not consider correlations or fluctuations.
For this reason, it is convenient to use instead, in order to
describe the process of tumor growth the so-called Lyapunov
function [24]. At the end of the nineteenth century, Lyapunov
developed a method for studying the stability of equilibrium posi-
tions that bears his name. This method allows knowing the global
stability of the dynamics of a system [25]. Letpbe a fixed point,
steady state, of the flowdxdtx_¼fxðÞ. A functionV(x) is called a

132 Sheyla Montero et al.

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