Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1

¼xðÞ 2 Nx Hxz,

¼yðÞþ 4  0 : 14 y 0 : 5 x^2 Iy 0 : 5 Hyzþ 0 : 001 z^2 ,

¼Izþ 0 : 07 y^2 þ 0 : 5 Hyz 0 : 002 z^2 ,

ð 24 Þ

The numerical values of the constants were taken from the
model of chemical network studied in a previous work
[83]. Obtaining fixed points, stability analysis and bifurcation was
performed using the standard procedure [24, 51, 52] using as a
control parameter the population of immune cells
I(T lymphocytes, CTL and natural killer, NK, cells [39]).
Lyapunov exponents were calculated using the classical Wolf
algorithm, FORTRAN language [53]. In relation to the calculation
of the Lyapunov exponents, note that:

  1. It is important to choose an appropriate algorithm, usually the
    Wolf algorithm [53] that yields good results.

  2. The length of the time series used must contain at least 2000
    values to achieve good results [14].

  3. In the calculation it must be verified that there is no appreciable
    difference between the sum of the Lyapunov exponents and
    the divergence of the flow.

The LZ complexity [54, 55] was calculated using the proposed
algorithm by Lempel and Ziv, Lyapunov dimensionDL, also known
as dimension Kaplan-York [56], it was evaluated across the spec-
trum of Lyapunov exponentsλjas


i¼ 1 λi
λjþ 1
, ð^25 Þ

wherejis the largest integer number for whichλ 1 +λ 2 þþ
λj0. The results are summarized in Table1.

Fig. 3Chemical network for the model for cancer growth

138 Sheyla Montero et al.

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