Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
software. ImageJ is one of the principal and most popular scientific
image analysis software. To facilitate more advanced and clear
results the program provides many plugins, made by a lively scien-
tific community, to add functionality and visualization tools. This
program is used in over 30,000 laboratories. ImageJ is a very
popular research tool helpful in imaging processing and run in
any web browser. Cell profiler enables gathering information
regarding number, thickness and length of actin, internal filaments,
and microtubules. Thus, it provides comprehensive structural
information about the cytoskeleton under investigation.
Details of how to acquire the information about the image
processing of the cellular data from ImageJ are descripted in
[19, 20]. In our experience, we applied the algorithms for the
identification of functional information, analyzing molecular imag-
ing data regarding experiments with cell line. In doing so, we have
used the built-in functions of ImageJ to filter and analyze our data.
An outline of the algorithmic steps is given in Tables3 and 4.
We investigate area, roundness, fractal dimensions, solidity,
entropy, coherence to evaluate the cytoskeleton morphotype and
phenotype properties and to compare the results retained from
treated and untreated cells data.SeeinNote 2for more details
about these steps.

Table 4
Pipeline for performing quantitative morphological analysis on confocal images with CellProfiler

Step 1 lCalculate the ratios (area nucleus)
lMeasuring the image area occupied
lCalculating the image intensity (cells)
lMeasure object intensity (nuclei)
lPredict correlation behavior of the cells
Step 2 lMeasuring object size shape (nuclei)
lPerforming the calculation and setting up the parameters for graphical representation
to display the data comparison

Table 3
Pipeline for performing quantitative morphological analysis on confocal images with ImageJ

Step 1 lIdentifying the cells in ImageJ Software
lCalculate the split channels to separate the microtubules and nuclei

Step 2 lRefining and adjusting the threshold
lAdjust the top slider
lAdjust the bottom slider
lCalculate the threshold of each confocal image

348 Garima Verma et al.

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