Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
biology is a bifurcation phenomenon of the model equations.
These bifurcations are tuned by the conservation law constants of
the equations, resulting from the catalytic role of genes.

2.2 Identifiability,
and Sloppiness

In several applications, models’ parameters of dynamic systems are
not directly measurable but only indirectly accessible through
inputs and measurements outputs. Furthermore signals are time
varying and are subjected to some applied perturbations. Then a
fundamental question to be answered before some methods are
selected is if the model structure in question is identifiable. Struc-
tural identifiability is a model property that ensures that parameters
can be globally or locally determined from knowledge of the inpu-
t–output behavior of the system. Sedoglavic [13, 14] presents a
probabilistic semi-numerical algorithm for testing the local struc-
tural identifiability of a model. A-priori non-identifiability may be
caused by over-parameterization of the model that includes its
observation function; while a-posteriori non-identifiability is gen-
erally due to lack of information on the available data. Sloppy
models are, however, often unidentifiable, i.e., characterized by
many parameters that are poorly constrained by experimental
data. In principle, however, these two concepts, identifiability and
sloppiness, are distinct.
In general we can consider a state variable with time invariant
parameters defined by the following algebraic system

P x_ðtÞ¼fðxðtÞ,uðtÞ,θÞ, xð 0 Þ¼x^0 ðθÞ

ð 6 Þ

where xðtÞ∈Rn,uðtÞ∈Rm,θðtÞ∈Rd,yðtÞ∈Rp andf and gare
rational functions ofx,u,θ. Higher-order derivatives of the output
with respect to timeyνcan be obtained by repeated use of the chain
rule and replacingx_ using the system dynamics (also known as
extended Lie-derivative alongf)

y ¼ g

y_ ¼




€y ¼LfðℒfgÞ¼L^2 fg

yν ¼Lνfg

withν¼n+d1 and whereLf¼


i¼ 1



i¼ 0

uiþ^1 ∂u∂ðiÞis the
formal Lie derivation.
The output derivatives may be expressed in terms of the state
and parameters and the inputs and its derivatives asY¼YðxθÞthat
can be uniquely solved forxandθif the Jacobian

Inverse Problems in Systems Biology 73
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