RNA Detection

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3.4 Imaging RNA in
Live Cells by Using
SPAAC Reaction

  1. Culture HeLa cells in complete DMEM supplemented with
    10% FBS (seeNote 1).

  2. Seed 0.3–0.4 million HeLa cells in a 35 mm dish having a glass
    surface. Place the dish in the CO 2 incubator at 37C for nearly
    12 h (seeNote 13).

  3. Remove the media from the culture dish and carefully transfer
    600 μL of the transfection mix containing AMUTP into the

Fig. 3Imaging cellular RNA transcription using AMUTP. Cultured HeLa cells were
transfected with AMUTP (1 mM) for 1 h using DOTAP. The cells were then fixed,
permeabilized and the AMU-labeling was detected by performing CuAAC
reaction with Alexa 594 alkyne. This figure has been reproduced by
permission of Nucleic Acids Research: Oxford Journals [24]

366 Anupam A. Sawant et al.

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