RNA Detection

(nextflipdebug2) #1

3 Methods

The following is a detailed description of the PARIS method
(Fig.1). Indicators of successful implementation are included for
the critical steps. Standard experimental procedures like TRIzol
extraction and ethanol precipitation of RNA are not described in
details here and readers should refer to manufacturers’ manuals.

Live cells – AMT Live cells + AMT

Control lysate Crosslinked lysate

Control RNA Crosslinked RNA

Crosslinked RNA

Control RNA

Control RNA
gel slices

Crosslinked RNA
gel slices

Blank in upper

Crosslinked RNA in
upper diagonal

Crosslinked and
ligated RNA

Ligated RNA

PARIS libraries

S1 nuclease is essential for recovery of crosslinked
RNA and fragmentation. Proteinase K removes
proteins and ensures that all crosslinking is directly
between RNA molecules

Further fragment long double stranded RNA

Duplex RNA run in base-paried conformation

Duplex RNA run in extended conformation

Only crosslinked RNA duplexes are purified

All sequenced fragments from crosslinked RNA

In vivo crosslinking of duplexes


UV 365nm on ice and
Urea/SDS lysis

S1/PK then Trizol

ShortCut digestion

First dimension
native PAGE

Second dimension
denatured PAGE


Proximity ligation

UV 254nm reverse crosslinking

Use 20ug input RNA

Get about 10-15 ug fragmented RNA

UV 254nm reversal causes RNA damage, so the
amount of usable RNA is lower than expected.

Proximity ligation joins the ends of each duplex

Ligate pre-adenylated adapters
Barcoded reverse transcription
cDNA circularization
Library PCR and gel purification

Fig. 1Outline of the PARIS experimental strategy. Major steps are explained on theright side

66 Zhipeng Lu et al.

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