Pons, 143
Population, 332, 336, 367 , 431 ,
absolute density, 468
age effects, 493
age pyramid, 496
age structure, 496
biotic potential, 474
birth, 473
carrying capacity, 477, 479
census, 466
characteristics of, 466
clumping, 470
cohort, 492
commensalism, 489
competition, 482
control, 346TL
death, 473
demography, 466
density, 466
density-dependent factor, 481,
485, 486–487inv
density-independent factor, 481,
dispersion, 466, 468
ecological niche, 436
ecology, 464
emigration, 473
endemic, 353
environmental condition, 337
environmental stability, 496
estimation by quadrats, 467
estimation by transects, 467
exponential growth, 474
fecundity, 493
genetic drift, 379–380
genetics, 364, 367
growth, 473, 476TL, 477
growth rate, 474
host, 488
human. SeeHuman population
immigration, 473
J-shaped curve, 474
life history, 496
life table, 494
limited environment, 476
limiting factors, 481
logistic growth, 477, 478, 479
mathematical model, 473
maximum sustainable yield,
mortality, 494
mutation, 378
mutualism, 488
non-overlapping generation, 475
organisms, 431
overlapping generation, 475, 493
paramecium, 486–487inv
parasitism, 488
predator and prey, 485
predicting, 474
random samples, 468
range, 436
regulation, 489, 490–491
relative density, 468
replacement rate, 475
S-shaped curve, 477
samples, 466, 468, 471TL
selective pressure, 337
species, 353
survivorship, 492
symbiont, 488
symbiotic relationship, 488
transect, 468
uniform dispersion, 470
Population changes, peppered moth
story, 335TL
Population ecology, 464
Population genetics, 364, 365
assortative mating, 382–383
bottleneck effect, 381
founder effect, 381
gene flow, 382
Hardy-Weinberg principle, 371,
372–373, 374–375inv
inbreeding, 382
non-random mating, 382
variation, 371, 372–373
Porin, 69
Positive gene regulation, 274
Positron-emission tomography
(PET), 142
Post-transcriptional control, 272,
276 , 278
Post-translational control, 272, 276 ,
Post-zygotic barriers, 400
Postsynaptic neuron, 150
Potential energy, 36
Pre-transcriptional control, 276 ,
Pre-zygotic barriers, 399
Precursor mRNA, 260
Presynaptic neuron, 150
Primary consumers, 441 , 447
Primary producers, 440 , 447
Primary productivity, 445
Primary structure, 559
Primary succession, 433
Primase, 236
function, 239
Primer, 236
Processing, 257
Prodrug, 52
Progesterone, 199
Programmed cell death, 127
Prokaryotes, 221
DNA, 229
gene expression, 272–276
Prolactin, 175
Promotor sequence, 257
Prophase, 555
Prostate gland, 193
Protease inhibitors, 49
Proteins, 112, 147, 559
condensing, 27
hydrolizing, 27
synthesis, 266–267inv
Proton pumps, 75
Protons, 6
Proximal tubule, 114 , 115
Prozac, 151
Pseudogenes, 246
Puberty, 192 , 198
Punctuated equilibrium, 414
Pupil, 153
effect of light on size of,
Pupillary reflex, 154
Purines, 226
Pyramid of numbers, 448
Pyramid of productivity, 446 , 449
Pyrimidines, 226
Pyruvate, 65
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex,
Quadrats, 467
Quaternary structure, 561
r-selection, 497
Radioactive isotopes, 7
Random mating, 372
Random mutagenesis and evolution,
Range, 436
Re-absorption, 114
Reaction centre, 86
Reading frame, 254
Receptors, 110
Recessive allele, 366
Recessive factor, 218
Recognition species concept, 402
Recombinant DNA, 294 , 372
application of, 307–309
risks, 310
technology, 307–309
Recombination repair, 292
Redox reaction, 25 , 37
Reduction, 24
Redundancy, 255
Reeve, Christopher, 149
Reflex, 140
Reflex arc, 140
Refractory period, 148
Regulatory sequences, 243
Release factor, 268
Renal arteries, 112
Renal veins, 112
Renewable resources, 523
Repetitive sequence DNA, 246
Replacement fertility rate, 507
Replacement rate, 475
Replication forks, 234
Replication machine, 239
Replication origin, 234
598 MHR • Index